Western Australia
I Archives
Archives of the Baptist Union of Western Australia Incorporated (Baptist Churches WA)
The Archives are incorporated in the library of Vose Seminary, and are administered by the Archivist.
Archivist Contact Person:
Grace Merrells, Archive Officer, archives@baptistwa.asn.au
c/- Vose Seminary
20 Hayman Road
Bentley WA 6102.
Tel: (08) 6313 6200; Fax: (08) 6313 6299.
Opening Hours: By arrangement with the Archivist.
Publication: There is no policy restricting publication, but acknowledgment is expected.
The ethos of the Society encourages freedom of information, subject to Clause 3.5.2 in the Rules of the Baptist Historical Society of Western Australia.
Searching and Fees:
In the case of persons or bodies not directly connected with Baptist Churches of WA (including all family searches) the Archivist and the Society reserve the right to charge a search fee where an enquirer is not able or not willing to visit the Archives in person. Searches conducted by the Archivist or officers of the Society which require more than 10 minutes may be charged at the rate determined by the Society from time to time.
The collection covers three main areas:
- The Baptist Union and its committees, societies and agencies: Minutes, correspondence, handbooks, year books, periodicals, reports, publications, manuscripts, etc.
- Baptist Churches and Fellowships affiliated with the Baptist Union of WA:. Minutes, correspondence, reports, publications, etc.
- Ministers and lay persons: Profiles, photographs, sermons, publications, etc.
Serials (select)
The Advocate 2001—
(Available online: http://www.theadvocate.tv/) - *Annual Assembly Reports *
- The Australian Baptist [incomplete]
- *Baptist Union of WA Handbooks *
- Churinga [incomplete]
- Contact 1961-2001
- The West Australian Baptist News [with variations in title] 1919-1953 [incomplete]
- *Westralian Baptist: occasional papers of the Baptist Historical Society of WA *
The Baptist Union of WA does not have a museum. Collection policy in regard to artefacts is to discourage forwarding them to the Archives. Any currently held are regarded as being on a temporary basis pending proper provision for their preservation and storage.
Finding Aids
All accessioned material is recorded in a computer database.
Unaccessioned material is roughly sorted in labelled boxes organized in the three areas mentioned under ‘Holdings’ above.
Storage facilities are modelled on those used at the State Archives. Open Access shelving provides access to key resources. The compactus shelving is locked, but items it contains may be made available by prior arrangement with the Archivist. Any photocopying requires the Archivist’s permission and may only be undertaken by the Archivist or his/her representative. Fragile materials may not be photocopied unless they have been encapsulated, and even then may have restrictions placed on them. Where a transcript of fragile materials exists, this will normally be the form made available for photocopying.
II Historical Society
The Baptist Historical Society of Western Australia
Established 28th Nov 1985
Website: http://www.baptistwa.asn.au/view/resources/historical-society/
Purposes of the Baptist Historical Society of Western Australia:
- To foster interest in the history of the Church, with particular reference to Baptists, especially those of Western Australia.
- To encourage the systematic recording and preservation of historical data relevant to the history of Baptist Churches and Baptist life in Western Australia.
- To facilitate the central collection of relevant materials.
- To foster historiography of the Baptists of Western Australia by encouraging the writing of local church histories and the production and presentation of papers and other publications.
- To allow access to the records and secondary materials in the society’s collection to:
- Baptist Churches in the State of Western Australia and to bodies associated with them.
- The wider community (where this is deemed appropriate by the officers of the Society or their representatives).
The Society is administered by an Executive consisting of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to three other officers appointed at an Annual General Meeting for a two-year term. The Union Archivist is a member of the Society ex officio. The Executive of the Society normally meets monthly.