A brief listing of Books relevant to Baptist life, thought and history in Australia and elsewhere
(See separate pages for more detailed state-based listings)
Entries on Baptists or Baptist Church in major encyclopaedias such as The Australian Encyclopaedia and The Encyclopaedia Britannica
Dickey, Brian, The Australian Dictionary of Evangelical Biography (Sydney: EHA, 1994)
Gillman, Ian, Many Faiths,One Nation (Sydney: Collins, 1977)
Humphreys, R. and Ward, R., Religious Bodies in Australia: a Comprehensive Guide (Wantirna: New Melbourne Press, 1995)
Standard reference works on Baptist history and principles
Background and Theology
Beasley-Murray, Paul, Radical Believers: the Baptist Way of Being the Church (London: Baptist Union of Great Britain, 1992)
Bebbington, David W 2010, Baptists Through the Centuries: A History of a Global People, (Baylor University Press, Waco)
Brackney, William H (ed) 1998, Baptist Life and Thought: A Source Book, revised edition, Judson Press, Valley Forge.
Brackney, William H 2009, Historical Dictionary of the Baptists, revised edition, Scarecrow Press, Lanham.
Briggs, John H Y and David Coffey, A Dictionary of European Baptist Life and Thought (Milton Kenyes: Paternoster, 2009)
Bryant, Cyril E., The Fellowship of Kindred Minds - A Brief History of the Baptist World Alliance (Washington: BWA, 1964)
Cook, Henry, What Baptists Stand For (London: Carey Kingsgate, 1961)
Houghton, S M (ed) 1975, A Faith to Confess: The Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, Carey, London.
Hulse, Errol, An Introduction to the Baptists (Haywards Heath: Carey Publications, 1973)
Leonard, Bill J 2003, Baptist Ways: A History, (Judson Press, Valley Forge)
Leonard, Bill J 2005, An Introduction to Baptist Principles, Baptist History and Heritage Society, Brentwood.
Lumpkin, W.L. And Bill J Leonard (eds.), Baptist Confessions of Faith (Valley Forge: Judson, 2011)
McBeth, H Leon (ed) 1990, A Sourcebook for Baptist Heritage, Broadman, Nashville.
McBeth, H.L., The Baptist Heritage (Nashville: Broadman, 1987)
Payne, E.A., The Fellowship of Believers (London: Carey Kingsgate, 1944)
Robinson, H. Wheeler, The Life and Faith of the Baptists (London: Carey Kingsgate, 1946)
Tiller, Carl W., The Twentieth Century Baptist (Valley Forge: Judson Press, 1980)
Torbet, R.G., A History of the Baptists (Valley Forge: Judson, 1975)
Underwood, A.C., A History of the English Baptists (London: Carey Kingsgate, 1947)
Wardin, Albert W. (ed.) 1995, Baptists around the World: A Comprehensive Handbook, Broadman and Holman, Nashville.
Allen, Daniel, Letters and other writings of the late Pastor Daniel Allen with memoir by F. Beedel Sydney Geo Booth, 1901
Bollen, J. D., “English-Australia Baptist Relations 1830-1860”, Baptist Quarterly XXV/7 July 1974, 290-305
Bollen, J. D., Australian Baptists - a Religious Minority (London: Baptist Historical Society, 1975)
Brown, Basil S., Baptised into one Body: a Short History of the Baptist Union of Australia (Hawthorn, Vic.: Baptist Union of Australia, 1987)
Chandler, John, Forty Years in the Wilderness: a narrative of the experience and the Lord’s dealings with an early colonist, together with some accounts of the first Particular Baptist Church in Victoria (1893; reprinted Main Ridge, Vic.: Loch Haven Books, 1990)
Dowling, Rev. H., Incidents in the life of Henry Dowling (1871)
Hughes, Philip J., The Baptists in Australia (Canberra: AGPS, 1996) (Religious Community Profiles Series)
Manley, K. R., From Woolloomooloo to ‘Eternity’: A History of Australian Baptists, 2 volumes, (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2006)
Manley, K.R. & Petras, M., The First Australian Baptists (Sydney: Baptist Historical Society of NSW, 1981)
Manley, K.R., Baptists - Their Heritage and Faith (Brisbane: Baptist Union of Queensland, 1974)
McCure, John Bunyan, Life in England and Australia (London: R. Banks, 1876)
Petras, Michael (ed.) , Australian Baptists - Past and Present (Sydney: Baptist Historical Society of NSW, 1988)
Prior, A.C., (editor) Into the land that time forgot [souvenir of the beginning of the Australian Baptist New Guinea Mission] 2nd edition. (Melbourne: ABFM, 1951)
Prior, A.C., Caring is by Sharing: Twenty-five years of Australian Baptist World Aid and Relief (Sydney: ABWARC, 1984)
Roberts-Thompson, E. With Hands Outstretched: Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement (Edinburgh: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1962)
Ansell, Leo J., Register of Church Archives (2nd Ed.) (Toowoomba: Church Archivists’ Society, 1985)
Ansell, Leo J., The Small Archives’ Companion (Toowoomba: Church Archivists’ Society, 1987)
Family History
Breed, Geoffrey R. Breed, My Ancestors were Baptists (London, Society of Genealogists (3rd ed 1995)
Kopittke, Eric and Rosemary So, Your Ancestor was a Baptist in Queensland! (BHS of Q, 1995)