Baptist Periodicals
In Australian Library and Archive Collections
This list includes Australian Baptist periodicals and newspapers, as well as many that are published overseas. Some articles related to Australian Baptists can also be found in these international publications. Holdings information for each of the state colleges, state/national libraries and archive/historical society collections in Australia has been provided for each title. Holdings information is listed alphabetically according to the area and library codes as detailed in the key below. Titles are arranged in alphabetical order by title, ignoring definite or indefinite articles, with the main title in bold and any sub-title in normal text. After the title follows the place of publication and responsible body (where these could be determined). Publication dates and ISSN have also been added where known as well as brief details related to any changes in title. Indication is also given as to whether each journal title is indexed by the Australasian Religion Index (ARI) or the ATLA Religion Database (ATLA). The Australian Baptist periodicals that are likely to be of most interest to researchers have been highlighted in blue. These are the most significant of the state or national denominational publications.
After a holdings statement: “+” = a current subscription, “[mf]” = microform, and “impf” means that some issues in the sequence are missing.
Key | Library |
Note that some periodicals are available in digitised form (for at least some of their issues) including The Australian Baptist, The Queensland Baptist, The Southern Baptist, and most of the earlier Global Interaction publications. Contact a librarian or archivist for more information
Launceston, Tas (Baptist Union of Tasmania) 1-26(1958-1983)
Continues Tasmanian Baptist Church Chronicle; continued by Tasmanian Baptist Advance
- ANL 1-26 (1958-1983)
- NBTH 22-26 (1979-1983)
- SB last 2 yrs only
- TSL 1-26 (1958-1983)
The American Baptist
Valley Forge (American Baptist Churches)
ISSN: 0002-757X
- WB (1985-1990) impf
- ZABT 171-190 (1973-1992) impf
American Baptist Quarterly
Rochester, New York (American Baptist Historical Society) 1(July/S 1982)+
ISSN: 0745-3698
Continues Foundations; Indexed by ATLA
- NBTH (1982+)
- QBTH 1-8 (1982-1989)
- SB 1-17 (1982-1998) 20(2001)+
- VU:W 1 (1982) Missing 9/2,4(1990)
- WB 1 (1982+)
- ZABT 1 (1982+)
Anabaptist Newsletter
- WB 123 (1998) 5(1999)
Anabaptism Today
Chamberley, UK (The Anabaptist Network)
- WB 1 (1992+)
Andover Newton Quarterly
Massachusetts (Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre) 1(1960)+
ISSN: 0003-2972
- NBTH (1966-1980) 15-20(1974-1980) impf
- QBTH 6-20 (1966-1979)
Annual Report of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society
(Continues periodical Accounts relative to the BMS)
- NBTH (1829-1843)
Balwyn North, Vic. (Anvil Quarterly) 1/1(Sept 1968)-2/4(Sept 1970) National publication.
- ANL Vol.1/1 (Sept 1968)
- NBTH 1 (1968-1970) impf
- NMTC 1-2 (1968-1970)
- NSL 1969 JE, 1969 SE
- SB 1/3-4, 2/2-3 (1969-1970)
- VSL Vol.2/4 (Sept 1970)
- WB 1-2 no 4 (1968-1970)
Asian Baptist News
Beecroft, NSW (Asian Baptist Fellowship) 1(1973)+
- WB 1/3-23/1 (1973-1995) impf
The Associate
Valley Forge (The Society) 2x/yr
- NBTH (2001+)
- VU:W 18/2 (2002) 19/1(2003)
- ZABT 16 no.2 (2000)
Attitude Magazine
Publication ceased
- NBA 1-3 (1998-1999)
Australasian Baptist Magazine
Victoria (1858-59)
- NSL Vol. 1 (1858-1859)
- VBA (May 1859, Oct 1859)
Australian Baptist
Sydney (Australian Baptist Churches on behalf of the Baptist Union of Australia) v.1n.1(Jan 1913-Dec 1991) National publication.
The Official Organ of the Baptist Unions of Australia
- ANL 46-79 (1958-1991) impf
- NBA (1913-1991) Complete (hold at least 3 full sets)
- NMTC 72-79 (1984-1991) impf
- NSL (1913-1992) impf
- QBTH 48-79 (1960-1991)
- SB vol.1 n.1-vol.79 n.1 (Jan 7,1913-Feb 1991) in archives
- SSL v39/30-41/37 (8 July 1951 - 23 Sept 1953)
- VBA (1913-1991) impf (years 1922-25, 1927-29, 1938 missing or incomplete)
- VSL (1913-1991) impf
- VU:W 51 (1963)-79(1991) Missing 51/31-50(1963); 52/1-35(1964); 53/1-15,23,27,29,31,35,43,44(1965); 54/1-9,14,15,21,27-31,33-38,42,45-59(1966); 55/1,4,6,813,16,17,25,27,28,31,37,38,40,42, 44(1967); 56/3,38,39,48(1968); 57/7,11,14,15,27,35, 38, 42,44,47(1969); 58/11,30,32,34,36,37,39- 43,45(1970); 59/46(1971)
- WBA 42/1-79/11 (1954-91) impf 50-68(1962-1980) impf
- ZABT 57-79 (1969-1991) impf
Australian Baptist Home Mission
Continued by A.M. Magazine
- NBA (1984-1996) impf
Australian Baptist Missionary Digest
the Popular Report of the Australian Baptist Foreign Mission Hawthorn, Vic. (ABFM) Alternative titles include: Report of the Australian Baptist Foreign Mission, Popular annual report of the Australian Baptist Foreign Mission, Annual report of the Australian Baptist Foreign Mission, Popular report of the Australian Baptist Foreign Mission ANL copies for 1952-1953 bound with Australian Baptist missionary digest. Later title: Australian Baptist missionary digest
- AGIA (1892-1906; 1924-1930; 1935-1967)
- ANL (1945; 1948; 1950; 1952-1953; 1957/8) N 275.4 AUS
Australian Baptist Missionary Society (ABMS) Digest Hawthorn
Vic. (Australian Baptist Missionary Society)
- ANL (1958/9-1967)
- WB (1964-1967)
Australian Baptist Missionary Society (ABMS) Directory
Hawthorn, Vic. (Australian Baptist Missionary Society)
- ANL (1977-1984)
Australian Baptist Missionary Society (ABMS) News-backgrounder
Hawthorn, Vic. (Australian Baptist Missionary Society)
- ANL No. 6-no. 19 Feb. 1976-Oct. 1978 N 266.6194 AUS
Australian Baptist Missionary Society (ABMS) Partners
Hawthorn, Vic. (Australian Baptist Missionary Society)
- ANL Apr. 1984; Oct. 1985; Feb. 1986-Aug. 1986; Dec. 1987 N 266.3 PAR
Australian Baptist Missionary Society (ABMS) Pray daily
Hawthorn, Vic. (Australian Baptist Missionary Society)
- ANL N 242.2 PRA (July 1985-Aug. 1985; Dec. 1986/Jan. 1987-Aug./Sept. 1989;Feb./Mar. 1990-Aug./Sept. 1990; Dec. 1990/Jan. 1991; Apr./May 1991-Oct./Nov. 1991)
Australian Baptist Missionary Society (ABMS) Prayer Guide
Hawthorn, Vic. (Australian Baptist Missionary Society/Service Fellowship International)
ISSN: 1033-9043
- ANL N 266.6062 AUS (1985-1990); 1998 - N266.6062 AUS
Australian Baptist Missionary Society (ABMS) Prayer Quarterly
Hawthorn, Vic. (Australian Baptist Missionary Society)
- ANL Nov/Jan 1976-Feb/Apr 1984
Australian Baptist Missionary Society (ABMS) Report
Hawthorn, Vic. (Australian Baptist Missionary Society)
ISSN: 0314-8645
- ANL 1976/77- Nq 266.60994 AUS
- Australian Christian Messenger NSW, Edited by Rev James Greenwood & Rev Webb (1870-1871) Copies bound in Baptist Union of NSW Minute book
Australian Evangelist
Melbourne, Vic (W. Fairfax) (1860-1866)
- NMTC 1-3 no 24(1860-1862)
- NSL 1864-1865
- VBA 1861-1866
- VU:W Vol. 2 (1861)-4(1863), 6(1865)
Australian Particular Baptist Magazine
Sydney, George Loxton, Printer 1(1884)-1906 National publication
- NMTC 1-22(1884-1906)
Banner of Truth
Sydney (Baptist Union NSW) 1-9(1877-1885)
Continued by The New South Wales Baptist in 1885 then in 1887 to The Baptist
- NBA 1-9(1877-1889) impf
- NSL 1876 OC 1880 SE, 1916 MY - 1917 MR
- WB 1-16(1955-1959); 32-327(1963-1990) impf
- ZABT 303 (1988)+ impf
The Baptist
Sydney (Baptist Union NSW) 3-21(1887-1912)
Continues The New South Wales Baptist; continued by Australian Baptist (national publication)
- NBTH 3-19 (1887-1910) impf
- VU:W Vol.3n.2(Nov 5 1887); Vol.3n.3 (Dec 3 1887); Vol.21n.3(Mar 1 1912)
The Baptist
Christchurch (Canterbury Baptist Association)
- ZABT 4 nos 1 & 2 (1880)
Baptist Advocate
West Perth, WA (Baptist Churches of Western Australia)
- ANL Nef 286.1941 BAP (Nov. 2001-)
- WBA Nov (2001)+
Baptist Annual Register (1790-1803)
1st British Baptist magazine
- VU:W 1(1790-1793); 2(1794-1797); 3(1798-1801); 4(1801-1802)
Baptist Carer
Auckland (Baptist Care Ltd)
- ZABT 1997+ impf
Baptist Ecumenical Fellowship
Cattai, NSW (The Fellowship)
- NBA 1-4(1998-1999)
Baptist Evangelicals Today
Castle Hill, NSW (1998-)
- NBTH 1(1998)+
Baptist Heritage Update
American (newsletter - Baptist History and Heritage Society)
Formerly published by Brentwood (Southern Baptist Historical Society)
- VU:W 14/3(Sum/Fall 1998)+ Missing 15/3(Sum/Fall 1999)
- ZABT 16(2000)+
Baptist Historical Society of Queensland Newsletter
Brisbane, Qld. (The Society); 1(1984)-29(1994); Continued by Queensland Baptist Forum
- ANL No.11 - No.29 (Nov 1988-Dec 1994)
- QBA 1984+
- QBTH 1-29(1984-1994)
- QSL(QJO) 1(1984)-29(1994)
- QU:FRYER P No.1, 1984 onward
- SFU 24 - 29 (Apr 1993-1994)
- WB 26(1993); 34(1996)
Baptist Historical Studies Eastwood,
NSW (Baptist Historical Society of N.S.W.) Each issue has a distinctive title.
- ANL N 286.194 BAP No. 1-no. 6 (1980-1993)
Baptist History and Heritage
American (Baptist History and Heritage Society) 1(1965)+
ISSN: 0005-5719
Formerly published by Brentwood (Southern Baptist Historical Society); Indexed by ATLA
- QBTH 1(1965)+
- VU:W 1(1965)+ impf; Missing1 /2(1965)-3/2(1968); 25/1,2(1990); 28/1(1993)
- WB 4-6(1969-1971)impf; 9(1974)+
- ZABT 34(1999)+ impf
Baptist Home Missionary
- VBA 1893-1896
Baptist Leader
Philadelphia (American Baptist Publication Society) 1939+
- SB 51-55(1989-1993) impf
Baptist Magazine
London: Wightman, G. 1-96(1809-1904)
In 1833 incorporated The New Baptist Miscellany
- NBA 1-40 (1810-1848), 42-55(1850-1863); 1809-1833; 1848-1899; 1901-1902; 1904 (1809-1889)
- NSL 1833-1834
- SB 1809-1833, 1848-1899, 1901-02, 1904
- VU:W 1809-1901; Missing 1836; 1865; 1868; 1891; Jan,Aug,Oct 1899; Mar,Jun 1900; Feb,Mar,Jun 1901
- ZABT 12-19(1820-1827); 25-35(1833-1843); 53(1861); 63(1871); 85-87(1893-1895)
Baptist Messenger
London (James Paul)
- QBA 1879-1885,1888-90
- VU:W no. 40(Jul 1857)
Baptist Ministers’ Journal
(BMJ) Leeds, UK (Baptist Minister’ Association)
ISSN: 0968-2406;
Continues The Fraternal and The Journal of the Fraternal
- NBTH 237(1992)+
- QBTH 241-244(1993); 248(1994); 256(1996); 257(1997); 274(2001)
- SB 237(1992)+
- VU:W 237 (Jan 1992)+
- WB 237(1992)+
- ZABT 237(1992)+
Baptist Mission (English)
- SB 6 vols (1800-1818) Title change to: The report of the Baptist Missionary Society (1819-1859)
Baptist Missionary Society Annual Report
- WB (1921-1942) impf; (1944-1952)
Baptist News
Norwood, SA (South Australian Baptist Union) (1988-Dec 1995)
Continues News (SABU) Apr 1970-Sept 1988 and Newsletter 1966-1970 and SA Baptist Newsletter 1961-1965; continued by SA Baptist News 1996+
- SSL Oct 1988-Dec 1995
Baptist News (Eastern Theological College)
- VU:W 42/6(1993)+ Missing 43/4(1994), 51/2,3,4(2001); 52/1(2001); 53/3(2002)
Baptist Peacemaker
Lake Junaluska (Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America)
ISSN: 0735-5815
(included with BPFNA Membership)
- VU:W 11/4(1991)+; 12/1(Win1991/Sp1992)+ Missing 13/1(1993); 14/1,2(1994); 18/1(1998); 19(1999); 20(2000); 21/2-4(2001); 22/1,2(2002)
- WB 8-18(1988-1998)
- ZABT 10-13no.1(1990-1993)
Baptist Program
Nashville (Southern Baptist Convention)
- ZABT 1955-1959 impf; 1964 impf; 1977-1980 impf
Baptist Quarterly
London (Baptist Historical Society); 1(1922)+;
ISSN: 0005-576X
Indexed by ATLA
- ANL v1-10(1922-1939); Jan.1953 - Oct. 1993
- NBTH 14-22(1951-1968) impf, 27(1969)+ (1932+)
- QBTH 2(1925)-18(1960) impf; 19(1961)+
- SB 23/1 (1969)+
- VBCO 36(1995)+
- VSL 1-10 (1922/23- 1940/41
- VU:W 1/1(1922),7(1923); 2/1,2,4(1924),7,8(1925); 3/1,2(1926),5,8(1927); 4/3,4(1928),6-8(1929); 5/3(1930),6,7(1931); 6/3,4(1932),5-8(1933); 7(1934-35); 8/1-4(1936),5-7(1937); 9(1938-9); 10(1940-41); 11(1942-45); 12(1946-48); 13/1-3(1949),5-8(1950); 14(1951-52); 15(1953-54); 16(1955-56); 17/1-4(1957),6,7(1958); 18/1-4(1959),6,8(1960); 19/1-4(1961),5,7,8(1962); 20(1963-64)+ Missing 38/3(1999)
- WB 4nos.1/2-5nos. 1/3(1914-1917); n.s. 1-21(1966) impf; 22(1967)+
- ZABT 1-11(1922-1945)impf; 12(1946)+
Baptist Record (and Bible Repository)
London (1844-1849);
Continued as The Christian record and biblical repository (1849-)
- SB 1844-1849
- VU:W 2(1845)-4(1847)
Baptist Record of South Australia
Adelaide, SA (SA Baptist Union) (1923-1953); Continued by Australian Baptist
- SB 1/1 (July 1923) - 31/37 (Sept 1953)
- SSL 1923-1951
Baptist Recorder
Sydney, NSW (Baptist Historical Society of NSW); (April 1977-);
Published quarterly
- NSL Vols 1/1 - 2/87 (Apr 1977-Apr 1987)
- QBA 1984+ impf
- SB 54(1995)+
- VU:W no. 49 (Jul 1994), 70, 79-81, 87-88, 90 (2005)+
- WB (1994-1996)impf; 4(1999); 2(2000)
Baptist Reformation Review
Nashville, USA (Baptist Reformation Educational Ministries)
ISSN: 0276-7945
Indexed by ATLA (scan)
- NFERG 4 no 4-11 no 2 (1975-1982) impf
- NMTC 5(1976) impf; 7-11 no 2(1978-1982)
Baptist Reporter
- VU:W 1849, 1853
Baptist Research News
Auckland, NZ (New Zealand Baptist Historical Society)
Included with subscription to New Zealand Journal of Baptist Research. 1997+
- NBTH 1998+
- VU:W 1998+2001
- ZABT 1998+
Baptist Review of Theology = La Revue Baptist de Théologie.
Gormley, Ont. (Central Baptist Seminary) 1(1991)+
ISSN: 1192-4241
Indexed by ATLA
- NMTC 1(1991)+
Baptist Student
Nashville (Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention)
- ZABT 35-41(1955-1961) impf; 43-46(1964-1966) impf
Baptist Times
Didcot, Oxon. British (merged with Freeman in 1890-)
1871-1985? Continuing?, the official journal of the Baptist movement in the UK.
- ZABT Nov. 1962+
Baptist Training Union Magazine
Nashville (Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention)
- ZABT 30-45 (1955-1970) impf
Baptist Union of Australia Handbook
Hawthorn, Vic. (The Union)
- NBA 1969-1984
- QBA 1938, 1942, 1961, 1964, 1975, 1979
- SB 1929, 1931, 1938, 1964, 1981
- VU:W 1938, 1942, 1946, 1957, 1981, 1984 (PER BUA)
Baptist Union Of Australia Triennial Assembly
- SB 1861-1991
Baptist Union of NSW. Annual Report
Sydney (The Union) 1989+
- NBTH 1989+impf (1989-1997)
Baptist Union of NSW. Handbook
Sydney (The Union) 1984+
- NMTC 1984-1993
Baptist Union of NSW. Yearbook
Sydney (The Union) 1901+
- NBA 1901+
- NBTH 1904-1929impf; 1930+
Baptist Union of Victoria Assembly Digest Hawthorn,
Vic. (Baptist Union of Victoria)
ISSN: 1031-3346
- VU:W 1/2(1981)-7/6(July1988); Missing 1/8(1981); 2/4-8(1982); 3/3,9(1983); 4/6(1984); 5/3,4,9(1985); 6/8,10(1986); 7/3(1988)
Baptist Union of Victoria Handbook
Hawthorn, Vic (Baptist Union of Victoria) Annual
- VU:W 1886, 1893-1951
Baptist Woman
- VBA 1946-1949
Baptist World
Washington, D.C. (Baptist World Alliance)
ISSN: 0005-5808; Indexed by ATLA (scan)
- NBTH 1961-1981 impf, 1982+
- QBA 1960-1980
- QBTH 7(1960)-22(1975) impf; 23(1976)-48(2001)
- SB 1905-1965 v. impf, 1971-80 1905, 1911, 1912, 1934, 1939, 1947, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1971-1980; 35-39(1989-1991) impf
- VU:W 2/9(1955)-5/8(1958); 34/3(1987)-42(1995); 46/3(Jul/Sep 1999) Missing 35/1,4(1988); 36/2,3(1989)
- WB 9/3-50/1(1962-2003) impf
- ZABT 1(1954)+impf
Baptists Today
Wilro Park, SA (Baptist Union of South Africa)
- WB (1986-1998) impf
- ZABT 1992-1998 impf
Biblical Fundamentalist
- NMTC 1-21 no 23 (1988) impf
Canadian Baptist
Etobicoke (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec)
ISSN: 0008-2988
- ZABT 116(1970) impf
Canterbury Baptist
Christchurch (R. Binstead) 1-3(1877-1879)
- ZABT 1-3(1877-1879)
Canterbury Evangelist
Christchurch (Canterbury Baptist Association) 1-2(1876-1877)
- ZABT 1-2(1876-1877)
Caribbean Baptist
- WB 11-14(1987-1991)
The Christian
London 1(F 1870)+
- NBA 1879-1904
The Christian Record and Biblical Repository 1849-
- VU:W 1849
The Christian Witness
- VU:W 1859
Christus Supremus
(Magazine of the Queensland Baptist College Students’ Association)
- SB vol. 1 n.1 (Sept 1963)
Greensberg, Pa. (American Baptist Historical Society) 1-20 no.4 (Jan 1938-Oct 1957)
- NBTH 9-20(1946-19570impf
- WB 1-2(1938-1939)
- ZABT 4-20(1941-1957)impf
Church Musician
Nashville (Southern Baptist Convention)
- NMTC 31(1979)+
- ZABT 6-19(1955-1968) impf
Church Musician Today
Nashville (Southern Baptist Convention) 1997+
ISSN: 0009-6466
- NMTC 1(1997)+
Church Porch (pamphlet)
- SB Vol III(May 1, 1858)-Dec 2, 1861) impf
Church Recreation
(Sunday School Board of Southern Baptist Convention)
- QBTH 3-20(1972-1990)
- ZABT 5no.4-11no.1(1964-1971); 8-9(1977-1979) impf
Church Training
Nashville (Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention)
- ZABT 1-2(1970-1971)
(Australian Baptist Historical Society)
ca 1957-1966; National publication
- NSL N1, N2
- QBA 1957-1966
- SB Apr 1966
- VU:W no.2 (Aug 1957)
- WB 1960; 1962; 1963
- WBA Aug 57(no 2) -Apr 66 impf
(Baptist Union of N.S.W.)
- NBTH 1969-1973
Haymarket, NSW (NSW Baptist Youth Advisory Services Division) 1-4(1970-1973)
- NBTH 1-4(1970-1973) impf
Contact Burswood,
WA (Baptist Churches of WA family news magazine/Official organ of the Baptist Union of WA Inc.) (July 1961-)
- SB last 2 years only
- VU:W 29/3(1989); 33/6,7,11(1991); 34(1992)-44(2000) Missing 41/2,6,7,9-11(1997); 42/2-4,6-11(1998); 43/1,2,4-6,8-10(1999); 44/1,6-11(2000)
- WBA 1961+
- WLB 15/1(Feb 1975)
Day Star Hobart,
Tas. (J.T. Soundy) v.1n.1(1886)-1894
Continued by Southern Baptist
- ANL Vols 4/1-6/12 (Jan.10,1889-Dec.10.1891)
- VSL 1893 (Feb 10-July 10)
Evangelical Baptist
Toronto (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches)
- ZABT 10-33(1963-1985) impf
Faith and freedom
Perth, WA (Baptist Peace Fellowship of Australia) 1-6(1992-1998)
ISSN: 1038-9865
- NBTH 1-6no.2(1992-1998)
- QBTH 1-6(1992-1998)
- SB 1-6(1992-1998)
- VU:W 1-6(1992-1998)
- WB 1-6(1992-1998)
Far and Near
(SA Baptist Union)
- SSL Vol.1 n.1-v.1n.2 July-Oct 1908
Rochester, New York (American Baptist Historical Society) 1-25(1958-1982)
ISSN: 0015-8992
Continued by American Baptist Quarterly
- NBTH 5-8(1962-1965)impf; 9-25(1966-1982) 1962-1982
- QBTH 18-25(1975-1982)
- SB 1-25no.2(1958-1982)
- VU:W 1 (1958)-24(1981); 25/1,2(1982)
- WB 1-25(1958-1982)
- ZABT 1-25(1958-1982)
Pettswood, Kent (Baptist Ministers Fellowship)
ISSN: 0950-1703
Continues Fraternal and remembrancer, continued by Journal of the Fraternal
- NBTH 64-118(1947-1960) impf; 135-177(1965-1976)
- QBTH 70(1948)-236(1991) impf
- SB 64-236 (1947-1991)
- VU:W n.63(Jan 1947)-236(1991)
- WB 66-236 (1947-1991) or 67(1948)
- ZABT 66-236(1947-1991) impf
Fraternal and Remembrancer
Continued by The Fraternal
- VU:W n.49(Jan 1943); 52(Oct 1943)-59(Jun 1943); 61-63 (Jul 1946-Dec 1947)
- ZABT 56-62(1945-1946)
Fraternal Magazine
Sydney (Baptist Minister’ Fraternal of NSW); Continued by Baptist Ministers’ Journal
- NBTH 1-2(1973-1975) impf
- VU:W 1/1(1973)-1/4(1974); 2/1,3(1975)
General Baptist Magazine
(New Connexion of General Baptists)
- VU:W 76(May-Nov 1874); 77(Oct-Dec 1875); 79(Jan-Dec 1877); 80(1878)-88(Jul 1887) Missing Sept 1874; Aug,Sep,Dec 1878
Victoria (Baptist Social Justice Group), (1987-2000)
- VU:W 1992-May; 1993-Feb-Nov; 1994-Feb-Jun, Sep-Dec; 1995-Sum, Aut; 1996-Sum, Aut
Home Life
Nashville, Tenn. (Southern Baptist Convention)
ISSN: 0018-4071
- SB 41no.4-49no.11(1987-1995)
Home Mission Voice
- WLB 1973-1987
Irish Baptist
- WB 103/1-120/2 (1980-1997) impf
Irish Baptist Historical Society Journal
- WB 1-18 (1968-1986)
Journal of European Baptist Studies
Prague (International Baptist Theological Seminary) 1(2000)+
ISSN: 1213-1520
- WB 1/ 2(2001); 3/1(2002)+
- ZABT 1(2000)+
Journal of the Fraternal
England (Baptist Minister’ Fellowship)
Continues The Fraternal, Continued by Baptist Ministers Journal
- NBTH 178-237(1977-1992)
- SB 180-219(1977-1987)
- VU:W n.178(1977)-236(1991) Missing 209(1984); 231(1990)
Kerang Home Missionary
- VBA 1885-1896
- VU:W 1(1885)-11(1896) – all in 1 vol.
Korumburra Baptist Herald
- VBA Dec 1934-Nov 1935; May 1942; Sept 1944
London (Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland); n.27(1998)-n.70(2001)
Continued by Talk: the mainstream magazine
- VU:W 27(1998); 29(1998)-70(2001)
Mennonite Life
North Newton, Kan. (Bethel College) 1(1946)+
- WB 5no.2-36(1950-1981) impf
Mennonite Quarterly Review
Goshen, Ind. (Mennonite Historical Society) 1(Jan 1927)+
ISSN: 0025-9373
Indexed by ATLA
- NBTH 50-57(1976-1983); 59(1985)+
- SB 1-42(1927-1968)[mf]
- VU:W 1(1927)+
- WB 1(1927)+
- ZABT 70(1996)+
Mennonitische Geschichtsblatter
Karlsruhe (Mennonitischer Gerschichtsverein) 1-5(1936-1940); ns 1(1949)+
- WB 1-5(1936-1940); 6(1949)+
The Missionary Echo
- AGIA 1901-1908
Missionary Herald
Oxfordshire (Baptist Missionary Society)
ISSN: 0264-1372
- NBA 1889-1889
- ZABT 1946-2000
New York (American Baptist convention)
- ZABT 36-165(1945-1967) impf
Eastwood, NSW (NSW Baptist Ministers Association) v.1(1999)-
- NBTH 1999+
- QBTH 2(2000)+ impf
- VU:W 1/1(Aug1999)+; Missing 5/4(2003)
National Baptist
Hawthorn, Vic. (Baptist Union of Australia) 1(1988)-15(2002)
ISSN: 1030-472X
National publication.
- ANL 1(1988)-2002
- NBTH 1(1988)-2002
- QBA 1/1(March 1988)-2002
- QBTH 2(1989)-14(2001)
- VBA 1(1988)-2002
- VSL 1(1988)-2002
- VU:W 1/1(1988)-15/2(2002) Missing 8/3(1995); 9/2(1996); 12/2(1999)
- WB 1/1-15/1(1988-2002) impf
New Baptist Magazine and Evangelical Repository London
Harsette and Savill
Superseded after 1826 by The New Baptist Miscellany
- NSL 1825
The New Baptist Miscellany,
London: Simpkin and Marshall
Title page, New Baptist Miscellany and Particular Baptist Magazine, individual issues, 1827, entitled The Particular Baptist Magazine. From 1833 merged into The Baptist Magazine
- NSL V1 -V5 (1827-1831)
- VU:W Vol. 1(1827); v.2(1928); v.6(1832)
- ZABT 1828-1932
The New South Wales Baptist
Sydney, NSW (Baptist Union of NSW); 1-2(Nov 1885-1887) New Series: 1992-2000
ISSN: 1327-9629
Continues The Banner of Truth; Continued by The Baptist; These continued by The Australian Baptist (national paper); Continued by Together in Ministry
- NBTH 1-2 (1885-1887); ns 1992-1999
- NSL Vol 3/1 - 6/11 (Jan.1894 - Nov.1897), 10/1 - 21/21 (Nov.1900 - Dec.1912)
- SB last 2 yrs only
- VU:W New series 1992-Wint 1999; Missing Wint 1994
New Zealand Baptist
New Zealand (Baptist Churches of NZ)
ISSN: 0027-7177
- ZABT 4no.3-4(1880); 4-6(1884-1887); 7no.61(1889)+
New Zealand Journal of Baptist Research
Auckland (NZ Baptist Historical Society) 1(1996)+ 1173-9312
Indexed by ARI
- NBTH 1(1996)+
- SB 3(1998)+
- VU:W 1(Oct 1996)+
- WB 1(1996)+
- ZABT 1(1996)+
Continues Newsletter; continued by Baptist News
- SSL Apr 1970-Sept 1988
Newsletter Norwood,
SA (South Australian Baptist Union) (1966-1970)
Continues South Australian Baptist Newsletter; continued by News
- SSL 6/1 (Jan 1966)-10/1(Feb 1970)
Our Bond 1889-1941
- AGIA 1889-1929; The Jubilee issue, 1932; 1941 (Apart from the Jubilee issue there are no other holdings from the 1930s
Our Harvest Fields
- AGIA 1904-1909
Our Home Field
- SB Vol. 1 n.11 (Apr 1921)-vol. 3 n.12 (May 1923)
- SSL Vol.1 n.1(June 1920)-v.3n.12(May 1923)
Our Indian Field
(Australian Baptist Missionary Society/Global Interaction)
Continued by Vision
- AGIA 1915-1949
- SB 1915-1919
Our Yesterdays
Hawthorn, Vic. (Victorian Baptist Historical Society) 1(1993)+
ISSN: 1320-6877
Annual; Indexed by ARI
- ANL 1(1993)+
- NBTH 1(1993)+
- QBA 1(1993)+
- SB 1(1993)+
- VBA 1(1993)+
- VSL 1(1993)+
- VU:W 1(1993)+
- WB 1(1993)+
Periodical Accounts Relative to the Baptist Missionary Society
London (Baptist Missionary Society)
- NBTH 1800-1817
- SB 1-12(1792-1859)
- VU:W 1799-1804?
Primary Source
Rochester, NY (American Baptist-Samuel Colgate Historical Library/American Baptist Historical Society)
- NBTH 1(1981)+
- VU:W 2(1982)+ Missing 21/1(2001)
- WB 10/2-21/2(1990-2001); 1/1(2003)+
- ZABT 19(2000)+ impf
Victoria (Baptist Union of Victoria) (1921-30)
Continued by Victorian Baptist Witness
- VBA 1921-30
- VSL 10/1-10/12 (5/1/1930-5/12/1930)
Te Purapura Pai
(Department of Baptist Maori Ministry)
- ZABT 1(1976) impf; 1982-1987 impf
Queensland Baptist (QB)
Brisbane, Qld. (Baptist Union of Queensland) (1890-1913, 1923+);
ISSN: 1323-7829
Continues Queensland Freeman. Ceased publication in 1913 in favour of national paper but resumed in 1923 and has continued since. In 2003 became bi-monthly (6x/yr) Alternate titles=QB newspaper, QB magazine or QB: The magazine of Queensland Baptists
- ANL 73/4 (May 1996)+
- NSL 1890- Dec. 1911
- QBA 1890-1913, 1923-1931, 1951+
- QBTH 30(1953)+
- QSL(QJO) 28/2(Feb 51)-30/4(May 53); 30/6(July 53)+
- SB Last 2 yrs only
- VBA 1890-1913; 1923-1925; 1951; Feb 1972; Dec 1980; Jun,Nov 1981; May,Jul-Sept 1982; Nov 1982-Dec 1985; Mar 1986-Jun 1987
- VU:W vol 17/2(1898); 69(1992)+ Missing 74/3(1997)
Queensland Baptist Forum
Brisbane, Qld, (Baptist Historical Society of Queensland) 30(1995)+ Continues BHSQ Newsletter (3x/yr)
Free with BHSQ membership
- ANL 30(1995)+
- QBA 30(1995)+
- QBTH 30(1995)+
- QSL(QJO) 30(1995)+
- SB 36(1997)+ impf
- SFU 30 (Apr.1995)
Queensland Freeman Qld, Brisbane
(Baptist Association of Queensland) (1881-1888)
Continued by Queensland Baptist after a short break in publication.
- ANL 1/1 Jan 1881-6/34 Nov 1888 (fiche and mf)
- NSL 1881-88
- QBA 1881-88 impf
- QSL(QJO) 1/1 Jan 1881-6/34 Nov 1888 (fiche and mf)
Reformation in Australia Warners Bay,
NSW (Baptist Reformed Church) 1(1980)
Publication ceased
- NBTH 16-52(1982-1986)
- NMTC 8-52(1981-1986)
- NSMB 40-48(1984-1985)
Te Reo Whakamoemiti
Auckland (Baptist Maori Ministries)
- ZABT 1987-1996 impf
Review and Expositor
Louisville, Kentucky (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) 1(1904)+
ISSN: 0034-6373
Indexed by ATLA, ATLAS
- NBTH 46-78(1949-1981) impf; 79(1982)+
- QBTH 59-71(1962-1974) impf; 72(1975)+
- SB 62no.2(1965)+ impf
- VU:W 23(1926); 26-44(1929-1947); 53-56(1956-59); 64/1(Wint 1967); 65/1(Wint 1968); 66(1969)+ Missing 27(1930); 76(1979); 99(2002)
- WB 52/3 (1955); 61/4-74/4(1964-1977) impf; 75/1(1978)+ 68(1971)+
- ZABT 40-46(1943-1949) impf; 52(1955)+
The Scottish Baptist Magazine
Glasgow (The Baptist Union of Scotland)
Publication ceased
- NBTH 1971-1975 impf
Nashville 1(1970)+
- WB 1-23(1970-1993)
Searching together
Malin, Oregon (Baptist Reformation Educational Ministries);
Indexed by ATLA (selective)
- NMTC 11no.3(1982)+
South African Baptist Journal of Theology
Capetown (Baptist Union of South Africa) 1(1992)+
ISSN: 1019-7990
- NBTH 7(1998)+
- WB 1(1992)+
South Australian Baptist News
Unley, SA (South Australian Baptist Union) 1966+
Continues Baptist News
- SSL Feb 1996+
- VU:W 1992+
South Australian Baptist Newsletter
South Australia, (1961-1965)
Continued by Newsletter
- SSL 1/1(1961)-5/11(Dec 1965)
South Australian Baptist Union. Annual Reports
(South Australian Baptist Union)
- ANL N 286.19423 SOU (1988/89-1990/91; 1993-1995)
South Australian Baptist Union. Baptist handbook for ...
Adelaide (South Australian Baptist Union/Furreedpore Mission)
Includes Furreedpore Mission. Reports (1906-1919/20) and Annual reports (1920/21-1928/29).
- ANL 1908-1934. 27 v. (1916) N 286.19423 SOU
South Australian Baptist Union. Handbook
(South Australian Baptist Union)
(Handbook of the South Australian Baptist Union Incorporated for ... : containing President's address, reports, balance sheets, directories, etc., for) Title varies slightly: 1936 Baptist handbook; 1940-1969/1970 Handbook.
- ANL N286 SOU (1935-1969/1970); N 286 SOU (1986/87-)
South Australian Baptist Union. Handbook for ... and programme & reports for Autumn Assembly
Adelaide (South Australian Baptist Union) 1970/71-1985/86.
Chronological designation for 1st issue is 1970/71 for handbook and 1971 for Autumn Assembly, with all issues following this pattern. Title varies slightly.
- ANL N 286 SOU (1970/71-1985/86)
South Australian Baptist Union. Programme and reports for Annual Assembly
(South Australian Baptist Union)
- ANL N 286.09942 SOU (1946; 1948-1949; 1951; 1953-1959; 1964-1969)
The Southern Baptist Adelaide (SA),
Hobart (Tas), Melbourne (Vic.) 1-(1895-1912)
National publication, merger of the Day Star (Hobart), Truth And Progress (Adelaide) and Victorian Baptist (Melb.) Subsequently also embraced Western Australia until the commencement of the Western Australian Baptist.
- SB 1-18(1895-1912)
- SSL 10/2 (12 Jan 1904)-18/53 (26 Dec 1912)
- VBA 1895-1912
- VU:W 1895-1911; 1912/1,4-10
- WBA Selections pertaining to WA
Southern Seminary
Louisville (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
ISSN: 0040-7232
- VU:W 67(1999)impf; 68 no.2(2000)+
Southwestern Journal of Theology
Fort Worth, Texas (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) 1(O 1958)+
ISSN: 0038-4828
Indexed by ATLA
- NBTH 3-4(1961) impf; 10-17(1967-1974); 19(1976)+
- QBTH 18-21(1976-1979); 23(1981)+
- WB 18(1975)+
- ZABT 4-262(1961-1984) impf
Southwestern News
Fort Worth, Texas (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
ISSN: 0038-4917
- ZABT 1986+ impf
Spurgeons College Record
- WB 91-116 (1989-1999) impf
Stanmore Baptist Year Book
- NBA 1905-6, 1906-7, 1910-11, 1911-12 - per: Selected year books are preserved in the Allan Tinsley papers in the NSW Baptist Archives.
Cheltenham, Vic. (Baptist Revival Fellowship) v.1n.1(June 1965)-
- ANL v.1n.1(June 1965)-v.12n.4(Mar 1977); Sept 1977; v.13n.1(Apr 1978)
The Student
Nashville (Southern Baptist Convention)
- ZABT 50-59(1970-1979) impf
Summa Supremo
NSW (Morling College) 1951-; Continues Treatise
- NBTH 1990+
- VU:W 1960(MW67B SSU)
Sunday School Adults
(Australian and New Zealand Baptist Board of Christian Education)
- ZABT 1964-1966
Sunday School Advance
- SB vol. 1n.4(July 1914)-vol.2n.20 (1915)
- SSL v.1n.1(Apr 1914)-v.2n.20 (Nov/Dec 1915)
Sunday School Young People
(Australian and New Zealand Baptist Board of Christian Education)
- ZABT 1964-1966
Sword and the trowel
London (Passmore & Alabaster) 1(1865)+
- VU:W 1867, 1868, 1870-1874, 1876-1878, 1881-1884, 1889
- WB (1868-1870); (1878); (1884-1887); (1892); (1894); (1895); 1-4(1989-1995) impf
Wokingham, UK (Mainstream) Continues Mainstream
- VU:W 1(2001)+
Tasmanian Baptist Advance Launceston,
Tas. (Baptist Union of Tasmania) 27(1984+)
Continues Advance
- NBTH 27(1984)+
- TSL 1984+
- VU:W 31/6(Dec 1988)+ Missing 36/4(Sep 1993); 39/3(Jul 1996)
Tasmanian Baptist Church Chronicle
Tasmania (1939-53)
Continued by Advance
- TSL v 22/26 Nov 1939 - 36/3-4 Sept-Oct 53
Raceview (Queensland Baptist Ministers’ Fraternal) 1(1994)+
- QBTH 1-4(1994-1997)
(Baptist World Alliance Women’s Department)
- VU:W n.2(1990); n.1(1993)
- Together in Ministry Glebe, NSW (Baptist Union of NSW) ISSN: 1443-797X
Together in Ministry: The Quarterly Magazine/Journal of the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT Glebe, NSW (Baptist Union of NSW) ISSN:1443-797X