Global Interaction
PO Box 273, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Moore Potter House, 597 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Tel: (03) 9819 4944, Fax: (03) 9819 1004
Website: http://www.globalinteraction.org.au/
Archivist: Pat Barnden (contact through office, as above)
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Global Interaction (formerly Australian Baptist Missionary Society), the overseas missionary arm of Australian Baptist Churches, started its service as a group of colonial Baptist Mission Societies from 1864. Since the first Australian personnel went out in 1882, there has been a continuous supply of people and programmes. The Colonial Societies federated in 1913 to become the Australian Baptist Foreign Mission. Initially activities were focused on East Bengal, India (now Bangladesh) but diversification followed 1945. As at 2012 Global Interaction has staff in 11 countries and direct link with six others.
The history of Global Interaction edited by Tony Cupit, Ros Gooden and Ken Manley is From Five Barley Loaves: Australian Baptists in Global Mission 1864–2010 (Mosaic Press, 2013)
Available to bona-fide researches/students of Baptist mission history, at the convenience of the staff of Moore-Potter House. It would be helpful to give advance notice of the area of study being undertaken. Access to personal records and current material may be restricted. Permission for use of material in publications needs to be specifically obtained from the General Director.
Fee: No fee is charged for research, but photocopying and phone calls are to be reimbursed.
Finding Aids: available on premise only
Facilities: Reading space available; photocopier and scanner by arrangement
Special Comments:
Log books, correspondence and reports from the fields are held. Global Interaction would welcome the personal papers of previously serving missionaries.
Global Interaction holds a limited amount of Archives of the pre-federated Colonial Baptist Missionary Societies. Other records for this period are in the states of origin of the Societies. The records since federation of the Societies are held in Moore Potter House, including minutes, reports, personal correspondence, publications from that date, some personal papers and photographs of missionary personnel.
Publications: (some available in digital form)
Our Bond 1893-1929; Our Indian Field 1915-1949; Vision 1950-
Annual Reports of the ABFM and ABMS 1924-1960
Daring to Believe: Personal Accounts of Live Changing Events in Papua New Guinea and Iran Jaya, Sheila and Norman Draper (ABMS, 1990)
Contact, An enthralling firsthand account by two pioneers, Sheila and Norman Draper (Global Interaction, 2007)
The Light Shines On: The Story of the Missionary Outreach of Baptist People of Australia, Jess Redman (Hawthorn: ABMS, 1982)
From Five Barley Loaves: Australian Baptists in Global Mission 1864–2010 edited by Tony Cupit, Ros Gooden and Ken Manley (Mosaic Press, 2013)
Our Heritage, (Melbourne: ABFM 1952)
Photographs: Collection is extensive, but inadequately accessible.
Non-Paper Records:
Sound recordings: reel to reel tapes and cassettes of personal interviews with missionaries, presentations and sermons, videos of interviews with missionaries, films – promotional and documentary productions.
Other Material:
Global Interaction also has a limited collection of missiological literature in the E. H. Jenkin Library, including reports of the Edinburgh Conference, 1910 and the Tambaran Conference 1938. There are also some Missiological and Islamic Journals.
Global Interaction holds a collection of books, sermon notes and papers of Dr F. W. Boreham, in its F.W. Boreham Training Centre.
Other Material:
Global Interaction also has a limited collection of missiological literature in the E. H. Jenkin Library, including reports of the Edinburgh Conference, 1910 and the Tambaran Conference 1938. There are also some Missiological and Islamic Journals.
Global Interaction holds a collection of books, sermon notes and papers of Dr F. W. Boreham, in its F.W. Boreham Training Centre.
For further Reference
Ball, Gerald, The Australian Baptist Mission and its Impact in Bengal 1864-1954 (M.A. Thesis, Flinders Univ. of SA, 1978)
Basumatari, Sulin, A Study of Christian Mission of the Goalpara Boro Baptist Church Union of Lower Assam from 1927 to 1999 (MTheol, Serampore College, 2000)
Bensley, Jennifer, The Dani Church of Irian Jaya and the Challenge it is facing today (MA, Monash Univ., 1994)
Cronshaw, Darren, Fathering in Christianity & Islam (Pastoral requirement for MTheol Degree, 1999)
Cupit, L. A., Economical Relationships in Papua New Guinea, 1964-1973 (MTheol, Melbourne College of Ministry, 1975)
Dicks, Ian D., Towards an understanding of a Muslim Amacinga Yawo Worldview (DPhil, University of Malawi, 2008)
Hawley, Ian McL., The Phenomenology of Religious Change in Bangladesh in Relation to the Theology and Practice of Conversion (PhD Thesis, University of London, 1988)
Hayward, D. J., The Dani of Irian Jaya – Before and after Conversion (1977)
Kemp, Roger, South Africa Missionary Society in South Africa (DTheol, Univ. South Africa, 1987)
Kirkwood, Neville A., Care of Arabic Muslims experiencing Hospitalisation in Australia (Thesis, Doctor of Ministries, San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1996)
Lee, Morris A., The Phenomenon of a Persistent World View in a Context of Religions Change – a Study of MARPHATI beliefs in an area of rural Bangladesh (DTheol, Bible College of Victoria, 2008)
Nicholls, Graham E., Towards a New Paradigm for sharing Christ with Muslim in Australia (Thesis, Doctor of Ministries, Aust. College of Ministries, 2005)
Nix, David A., An analysis of select issues which influence the effectiveness of Australian Baptist Missionary Society personnel in facing spiritual warfare (towards PhD Thesis, South Western Baptist Theological Seminary, 1999)
Pell, R. G., Relevant Patterns for urban Baptist Churches in Zambia – A Missiological Explortion (MTheol, Univ. South Africa, 1993)
Prior, J., Australian Baptist Mission History: Papua New Guinea 1949-1975 (M.A. Thesis, Macquarie Univ., 1992)
Roberts, Bruce, The Impact and Benefits of ABMS Mission Awareness Youth Teams (Thesis towards degree Master of Ministry, MCD, 1997)
Included in the Global Interaction Library are sections related to:
- Missionary Biographies
- Missions in Asia
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Australian Aborigines
- Language Learning
- Theology of Mission
- Church Growth