Baptist Union of Queensland - Officers
Past Presidents and Subject of Address 1877-2010
1877-78 Rev J Voller Our Association, Its Aims and Responsibilities to the Church and the world.
1878-79 Rev J Voller
1879-80 Rev J Coombs The Old Faith in New Times
1880-81 Rev J Kingsford The Furtherance of the Gospel
1981-82 Rev W Poole Our Future Work
1882-83 Rev W Moore How Best to Promote, Advance and Sustain the Principles we Believe to be Right
1883-84 Mr E Hooker A Work to be Done and How to Do it -A Price to be Won and How to Win it
1884-85 Mr G Grimes Loyalty to Our Own Church
1885-86 Rev W Higlett Self-Sacrifice in our Work
1886-87 Mr T E White Our Position as Baptists
1887-88 Rev W Whale Queensland Baptists: Their Principles, Position and Prospects
1888-89 Rev W Richer Things Most Surely Believed Among Us
1889-90 Rev W Poole The Secret of Power
1890-91 Rev W V Young Our Needs - Prayer, Courage, Cheerfulness, Union, Expectancy
1891-92 Rev T Leitch Our Denominational Needs
1892-93 Mr H G Cray The Christian Layman
1893-94 Rev W Whale Expecting and Attempting
1894-95 Rev W Whale Our Status, Our Purpose and Our inspiration
1895-96 Rev J B Sneyd Consecration
1896-97 Rev J B Sneyd Strong Lives and Their Secret
1897-98 Mr J C Keith Church Life: The Outcome and its Greatest Needs
1898-99 Rev F G Buckingham The Place of the Church in the World and the Place of our own Particular Church in this Particular Part of the World
1899-00 Mr D Webster The Character and Constitution of the Church
1900-01 Rev C Boyall A Study in Success, as seen in our Churches in the U.S. of America
1901-02 Mr A A Grimes The Promotion of Unity and Encouragement to Success among our Churches
1902-03 Rev W Whale A Review
1903-04 Mr W D Grimes Complex Questions and their Solutions
1904-05 Rev A G Weller The Place of Baptists in the Making of our National History
1905-06 Rev W Page The Christian Church and Modern Society
1906-07 Rev W Poole Our Association
1907-08 Rev W Richer Sub Pondere Cresco
1908-09 Mr W R Smith Baptist Retrospect
1909-10 Rev J E Walton
------ Rev T J Malyon F.S.Sc. Inlook and Outlook of the Church
1910-11 Rev T J Malyon F.S.Sc. Our Principles and Our Mission
1911-12 Rev E Barnett The Seat of Authority in Religion
1912-13 Mr E J T Barton Retrospect and Prospect
1913-14 Rev J Mursell A.T.S. The Christian Outlook in Australia
1914-15 Mr J S Irvine Our Great Need
1915-16 Rev W Bell M.A. The Bible and the War
1916-17 Rev C J W Moon The Great War, its lesson for and Challenge to the Christian Church
1917-18 Mr F H Stephens A Backward Glance
1918-19 Rev W G Pope Progressive Reconstruction
1919-20 Ald A H Richer, J.P. The Baptist as a Christian Citizen
1920-21 Rev W.H Wingfield Our Supreme Task - Winning the Young for Christ and the Church
1921-22 Mr W H Bush Am I My Brother's Keeper
1922-23 Rev R Sayce The Progressive Church
1923-24 Mr A E Bickmore Reality in Religion
1924-25 Rev T U Symonds A Prosperous Church
1925-26 Mr W R Smith Some Present Day Problems
1926-27 Rev J H Latimer An Aggressive Evangelism
1927-28 Mr W D Grimes, J.P. Faith and Character
1928-29 Rev A Weller, OBE The Claim and Call of the Child
1929-30 Mr A Kent Prayer
1930-31 Rev W E Hurst Vital Religion
1931-32 Mr J F Sullivan Is the Church Meeting the Needs of Youth?
1932-33 Rev B Hewison Things Which Make For Peace
1933-34 Mr A H Richer JP Optimism
1934-35 Rev J C Farquhar May We Expect a Revival in our Time?
1935-36 Rev E J Rogers
1936-37 Rev G Haughan The Need for Christian Hopefulness
1937-38 Rev J H Latimer
------ Rev S M Potter, E.D.
1938-39 Rev S M Potter, E.D. Australia: Temporal and Spiritual
1939-40 Mr J B Colthup, J.P. Sacrifice and Service
1940-41 Rev A Butler A Plea for the Present and a Pledge for the Future
1941-42 Rev A H Brooks An Open Door
1942-43 Rev G A Parker A Strong and Beautiful Devotion
1943-44 Mr J Oliver, A.F.I.A The Sources of Power
1944-45 Rev T C Warriner, M.A., B.D. The Sovereignty of God - In Dominion and Salvation
1945-46 Rev H White The Challenge of the Present Hour
1946-47 Rev E Edwards L.Th. The Baptist Church and the Needs of our Day
1947-48 Mr C G Sweetman The Call and Challenge of the Future
1948-49 Rev W A McKay, M.A. The Church's Task
1949-50 Mr C G Sweetman Our Manifesto and Our Responsibility
1950-51 Rev P J Evans The True Spirit of Evangelism
1951-52 Mr R O Lockhart Every Baptist a Baptist
1952-53 Rev A J M Howard, L.Th. An Historic Basis for a Modern Faith
1953-54 Rev A H Brooks The Lordship of Christ
1954-55 Rev F T Smith The Challenge of this Atomic Age
1955-56 Rev W K Holmans, J.P. Pentecostal Pioneering
1956-57 Mr C P Morgan F.C.I.S., A.A.S.A The Responsibility of a Great Heritage.
1957-58 Rev B Hohnke Effective Evangelism
1958-59 Mr E S Jones, F.C.I.S., A.A.S.A., F.I.S.M. Christ - Our Standard
1959-60 Rev J E White, M.A., L.Th. The Church Ministering
1960-61 Mr R.J. Morris, J.P., A.F.A.I.M. Christ of the Upward Way
1961-62 Rev S Lane, L.Th. The Case for Personal Evangelism
1962-63 Mr J C Llewellyn Paying the Price for Christian Progress
1963-64 Rev A J W Chisholm The Art and Act of Christian Living
1964-65 Mr P J Hancox A.A.S.A., A.C.I.S., Dip.A.I.I The Living Word in a Dying World.
1965-66 Rev V C Bowring, L.Th. Jesus Christ Lord of the Church and Saviour of the World
1966-67 Mr C J H Schull Ph.C., M.P.S., L.Th. Dip. R.E. We Preach Christ
1967-68 Rev W M Sinfield L.Th., A.S.T.C. The Optimism of the Kingdom
1968-69 Mr R H Bavinton LL.B The Truth that Makes Men Free
1969-70 Rev R E Jarrott, L.Th., Dip. R.E.,Dip.Div The Word of God Speaks
1970-71 Rev N W Mergard, L.Th. The Living Christ
1971-72 Rev R W Hodgson, B.A., B.D. The Return to Reality
1972-73 Mr P J Hancox A.A.S.A., A.C.I.S., Dip. A.I.I The Price of Peace.
1973-74 Rev R H Nowlan Dip. R.E. The Role of the Church in the Seventies
1974-75 Mr D J Adam, M.B.E., J.P. Youth, The Church and You
1975-76 Rev R E Conwell, L.Th., Dip.R.E. Abundant Living
1976-77 Dr L G Knott M.B.B.S., D.P.M. (Qld), F.R.A.N.Z.C.P Jesus Church: Light for a Dark World
1977-78 Rev F J C Stone., M.B.E.., B.A. Jesus Christ: That's Life
1978-79 Mr W McConaghy No Other Foundation Save Jesus Christ
1979-80 Dr E G Gibson M.A., B.Ed., B.Sc., (Econ), B.D., Th.D. Our Vision of God
1980-81 Mr F W Stallard F.S.S.E., F.R.M.I.A. Triumphant Victory in Christ
1981-82 Rev J C Colledge L.Th. Our Father
1982-83 Mr M J Hogg A.C.I.S., AASA.(snr), A.A.U.Q., A.F.A.I.M. The King's Business
1983-84 Pastor J C Llewellyn, J.P. The Living God
1984-85 Dr L J Sands M.B.B.S. (Qld), F.R.A.C.G.P The Body Beautiful
1985-86 Rev C L Miller Dip. R.E., A.A.U.Q. The Holy Spirit's Work in the Church Today
1986-87 Mr F C Horne Sent by the Son
1987-88 Rev R E Conwell, L.Th., Dip.R.E. Looking Unto Jesus
1988-89 Rev A M Hooker, L.Th. Living in the Kingdom
1989-90 Rev N E Weston, Dip.R.E. Let's take God Seriously
1990-91 Rev N E Weston, Dip.R.E. The Local Church in Action for Christ - Evangelising
1991-92 Mr G H King, B.Ec. Humility and Commitment in the Mission of the Church
1992-93 Mr G H King, B.Ec. Break Out of the Routine - in furthering the Mission of the Church
1993-94 Rev M Lee, B.App.Sc., B.D.
1994-95 Rev J Walker
1995-96 Rev D Kelso, L.Th., B.Theol., M.A. Let's talk about Jesus
1996-97 Mr D Johnston, B.A., J.P. His Voice, Our Choice
1997-98 Rev G Morcom, L.Th, Dip R.E. Let's Make Disciples
1998-99 Mr W Gynther, B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Ed., MACEA United in Christ
1999-00 Rev Bryan Hoar, MA Let's Take More of a Risk for Jesus
2000-01 Rev Dr S.W Nickerson, B.A., B.D., B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D Let God be God
2001-02 Rev Russell Hinds, Grad.Dip.Theol.
2002-03 Dr Ifor Thomas, MB BS, MRCOG People and Power of the Word
2003-04 Rev Graham Paulson The Whole Gospel For The Whole State
2004-05 Mr Bev Hodgson How Successful Are Our Investments
2005-06 Pastor John Spall
2006-07 Mrs Lorraine Walker
2007-08 Rev John Lane
2008-09 Pastor Ray Elvery
2009-10 Rev Alan Grieve, Dip. Min.
2010-11 Vacant
Secretaries & General Superintendents
Year Secretary
1877 to 1882 Mr H G Cray
1883 to 1888 Mr G H Buzacott
1889 Rev W Whale
1890 to 1902 Rev W Higlett
1903 to 1906 Rev W Richer
1907 to 1908 Rev H L Elliot
1908 to 1914 Mr W D Grimes
1914 Rev E Barnett
--- Mr W D Grimes
1915 to 1926 Mr W D Grimes
1926 up to May Mr E S Jones
1926 to 1955 Rev R Sayce
1956 to September 1970 Rev F J C Stone, B.A.
1970 to 1975 Rev F J C Stone, B.A.
1975 to 1981 Rev F J C Stone, M.B.E., B.A.,
01/01/1982 to 31/03/1982 Rev W M Sinfield, L.Th., A.S.T.C.
01/06/1982 to 21/09/1983 Rev N T Charles, L.Th.
09/09/1983 to 05/06/1987 Rev B C C Jenkins, B.A., L.Th., Dip.R.E.
01/07/1987 to 27/04/1990 Pastor F W Stallard
25/06/1990 to 22/01/1991 Rev S W Solomon (Acting)
22/01/1991 to 13/02/1998 Rev Dr S W Solomon, B.Sc., A.Ed., B.D., D.Min.
02/03/1998 to 31/07/1999 Rev R E Conwell, LTh., DipRE (Interim)
31/08/1999 to --- Rev Dr David Loder, B.A., D.Min.
1976 to 1978 Mr J. McClune
June to December 1978 Mr D J Adam (Acting)
1979 Rev F J C Stone, B.A. (Acting)
1980 to 1987 Rev L A Maycock, L.Th.
1987 to 1988 Mr G H King, B.Ec.
1988 to 04/05/1990 Mr G H King, B.Ec.
07/05/1990 to 10/08/1990 Mr W R Hutton, A.I.M.M., M.W.T.I.A., M.A.I.P. (Acting)
13/08/1990 to 10/09/96 Mr L M Woodrow A.A.I.I.
10/09/96 to 31/12/00 Mr L M Woodrow A.A.I.I.
1/1/2001 to 25/6/2004 Rev Ken Conwell
2/8/2004 to 2008 Mr Colin Chandler
2009 to -- Mr Phillip McCallum
1877 to 1892 Mr J Grimes
1893 to 1897 Mr W Poole
1899 to 1903 Mr J C Keith
1904 to 1908 Mr J J Verney
1909 to 1921 Mr W R Smith
1895 to 1933 Mr W R Smith, Treasurer Foreign Missions
1922 to 1946 Mr A E Bickmore
1946 to 1972 Mr E S Jones, F.C.I.S., A.A.S.A., F.I.S.M.
1972 to 1975 Mr M J Webster, J.B.A., B.A., B.Comm., A.A.S.A. (Sen), A.C.I.S.
1975 to 1978 Mr L T Hogg., F.I.C.A.
1978 to 31/03/79 Mr M J Webster, M.B.A., B.A., B.Comm., A.A.S.S. (Sen), A.C.I.S (Acting)
01/04/79 to 20/09/1979 Mr J K Lind, A.A.S.A. (Acting)
1979 to 1980 Mr J K Lind, A.A.S.A.
1980 to 1983 Mr G H King, B.Ec.
1983 to 1994 Mr B D Hohnke, Ph.C., M.P.S.
1999 to 2001 Rev T W T Ross, B.Com., B.Ed.St, LTh, DipRE
1910-24 Rev T U Symonds (Org Sec/Supt)
1925-33 Rev B Hewison
1934-48 Rev R Sayce (Union Secretary & HM Supt)
1948-57 Rev A H Brooks
1958-70 Rev V C Bowring, L.Th.
1970-71 Rev V C Bowring, L.Th.(acting)
1971-75 Rev V C Bowring, L.Th.
1977-79 Rev R E Conwell, L.Th., Dip.R.E.
1980-81 Rev R E Conwell, L.Th., Dip.R.E.
1982-91 Rev J Tanner, Th.M., L.Th.
1992-96 Rev G Cramb, B.D.(Hons)