Baptist Ministers in Queensland, Australia 1849-1906
Compiled by David Parker
© 1999 corrected 12 July 2005, 19 April 2007
See also: Baptist Ministers in Queensland 1907-55
The first Baptist minister in Queensland was Rev. Charles Stewart, who arrived in 1849 as chaplain on the Fortitude and became the minister of the United Evangelical Church. (see page 8) He was followed soon after by Rev. Thomas Deacon who also served in a united church, in Ipswich, and later as founding pastor and benefactor of the Baptist church there. (His son, William Thomas Deacon, a former student for the ministry, arrived with Stewart in 1849.) (see next issue) The third minister was Rev. Charles Smith (about whom very little is known); to him belongs the honour of being the first minister of a Baptist church. Revs. B.G. Wilson and J. Kingsford, to whom so much was owed, were the next in line. (Wm. Moore arrived earlier, in 1855, but was not a minister at the time; J.T. Hinton was ordained at Maryborough in 1861.)
Information presented here has been gathered from local records (especially the Queensland Freeman/Baptist, the 1905 Jubilee history and local church histories), with additional material from sources interstate and overseas (especially England). Acknowledgment is expressed to previous researchers, archivists and other friends who have assisted. This material is a published version of fuller records in the process of development at the Baptist Archives, Queensland. More information and corrections are welcome.
Details presented include (where known) dates of birth, death and marriage; place or mode of theological training; date and place of ordination; churches served; other positions, honours and items of interest.
Biographies and cameos of the many of the ministers listed below are available from the Baptist Historical Society of Queensland.
This list includes those who served the mainstream Baptist churches, which became members of the Baptist Union of Queensland, established in 1877. It also includes as a separate list (about 20) of those who served the German Baptist Churches, which maintained their own German Baptist Conference. These churches were served by many lay pastors and only a few ordained ministers (who came from Germany and USA). Although friendly relations usually existed between the German and English churches, it was not until after the First World War that these churches became a regular part of the Baptist Union of Queensland.
Ministers of the English Churches (Baptist Union of Queensland)
Alexander, John McKnight
b. 1864 New Cumnock Ayrshire Scotland
1884 sailed for Qld
Private tutoring by Rev W V Young (Ipswich)
Sept 86 Lanefield (Rosewood) and Marburg
1889 ? Wharf Street, assistant to Rev. W. Whale
1889 Petrie Terrace, assistant to W. Moore
sole pastor from Nov 1890 - resigned ca 1899 ill health - left the state
Anderson, George
Dumferline, Scotland, YMCA Secretary
1886 Toowoomba, Bush Missionary
Ashworth, Thomas E.
1903 to UK to study at university for Christian work
1906-July 1907 Annerley/Fairfield
1910-14 Gympie Central (also Charters Towers?)
1916 Lanefield (Rosewood) and Marburg
1923-27 Sandgate
1928-29 Toowong
1930-31 Fairfield
Barnett, Ezekiel
b. 14 April 1856 Carmarthen, Wales; youth at Cardiff
d. 13 Dec 1923
Preaching at 18 yrs of age; private tuition by ministers
1880 left for NZ - pastor at Cambridge at request of T. Spurgeon
NSW: Wallsend and Islington, and North Shore
1889 to Qld at invitation of W. Whale
Mar-Nov 1890 Gympie
1891-94 Toowoomba Central, with Highfields also 1894-97
1901 Mt Morgan (supply at first then call)
1902 Lanefield/Rosewood
Aug 1908 - Feb 1914 Nundah Central
President Baptist Association of Qld 1911-12
Secretary, Baptist Association of Qld 1914
Beckitt (Beckett), William A.
1867-68 Ipswich
Blaikie, James
From Auckland Tabernacle, New Zealand
1896 Townsville (supply)
Bonser, William
b. 11 March 1857 Coalville
d. 17 October 1937
Spurgeon's College 1879-81
Loosley Row, near Princes Risborough village church
1881-85 Fenton Staffs.
1886 left UK (after death of wife)
Mar 1886 - Jan 1895 Maryborough Fort Street
1895 to UK - English ministry: St Helier Jersey, Oakengates, Bradford, Cullompton, Chudleigh, Launceston, South Molton, Thorverton, Launceston and interim ministries
Boyall, Charles
b. 1864 Carlton, Melbourne Vic
d. 30 March 1929
Spurgeon's College 1886-9
1885 Baptist Mission, Port Melbourne
London Evangelisation Soc. itinerant during and after college
YMCA Mission Hall worker, Sailor's Rest Williamstown
Aug 1890-Aug 1891 Baptist Union of NSW - itinerant evangelist
Sept 1891 Marrickville (Kingsgrove, Rockdale) NSW
July 1895-Sept 1904 Maryborough Fort Street
1897-1901 Gympie (hon. visiting from Maryborough)
Dunedin, NZ
1904-12 Caversham NZ
1912 Sydney NSW
President, Baptist Association of Qld 1900-1
Brame, John
Former member, Barnsley Church (Pastor: B.G. Wilson)
1888 Charters Towers (resigned after 6 months - ill health)
Breewood, Thomas H.
b. 24 Oct 1845 Camberwell, London
d. 17 May 1923
Spurgeon's College, and evening classes at Metropolitan Tabernacle, 1876-77
1875 Boundary Rd, Walthamstow Essex
Arrived Melbourne, 7 Nov 1887 - for health reason - travelling in southern colonies
1888 (early) visiting Brisbane - supplying pulpits
Apr 1889 - Nov 1890 Townsville
1890-91 Sandgate
Apr 1892- May 1893 Ipswich
June 1893 returned to UK (wife's health)
1895-1902 Horsham and Brayford
1902-10 Niton, Isle of Wight
Published “The Preacher's Starting Points”
Buckingham, Frederick George
b. 15 Feb 1851 Padbury Bucks.
outstanding boy-preacher
Spurgeon's College 1869-71
1871-73 Belfast
1873-76 Hussie ? Town Kildare
1876 Brannoxtown
1876-81Circus St Nottingham
arrived Victoria 1879
1879-91 Dorcas St South Melbourne ? Melbourne 1881-4; South Melbourne 1884-8
Apr 1891-96 Townsville
March 1896 - Feb 1903 Ipswich
1903 - Nelson, NZ
President, Baptist Association of Queensland, 1898-99
Bugg, Isaac J.
Some training in Sydney
Ministry in Wangaratta and from Petersham to Nundah
Oct 1903-June 1906 Nundah
1916-19 at Booval Ipswich
1920-21 at Merton St Brisbane
1922-25 at Thompson Estate
Burns, G.
1905 Townsville
1906-09 Charters Towers
Bytheway John Thomas
1863-65 Warwick
Joined Free Methodists ca 1871
Cairns, Hugh MA, LLB
ex Presbyterian Church of Ireland ministry
Queen’s University
Presbyterian Church of Belfast 1879-
Arrived Queensland 1888
1889 Rockhampton
1889-91 Thompson Estate (supply);
1891-92 Roma (supply)
1893-4 Baptist - Toowong
1895-6 Clayfield/Hendra -
Cairns, P. W.
b Glasgow 20 Apr 1852
d. 30 Nov 1929
Evangelist, Quarrier’s Homes Glasgow
Arrived Queensland ca 1886
Salvation Army and Wesleyan ministries
1898 Bundaberg (supply)
1899-1902 Warrnambool, Vic.
1902-05 South Yarra
1906-09 Burnie, Tasmania
1912-13 Claremont WA Presbyterian
1915-16 Ballarat Victoria St
1916-20 Hamilton
1920 Colac ?
1922-25 Wangaratta
President Baptist Union of WA, 1913-14
Clinch, Benjamin White
b. 1852
d. 1933
Spurgeon’s College
Ministry in Cape Town, South Africa (?)
Sept 1883 Maryborough - Fort Street
Transferred to Anglican ministry:
1884 Maryborough;
1885 North Ipswich (left Brisbane Diocese)
Cole, James Henry
b. 26 May 1840 Bristol,
d. 22 June 1915 Brighton Vic
ord. 20 Oct 1895 in Fremantle Baptist Church
arrived Port Phillip Feb 1863
Jun-Sept 1895 Perth Baptist Church
Oct 1895-Nov 1896 Fremantle; formed Katanning, and Geraldton
Nov 1896 returned to Victoria
Oct 1898- Sept 1899 Essendon, Vic.
Oct 1900 - August 1901 Kalgoorlie, WA
Aug 1901-Oct 1904 Bayswater Perth
late 1904 returned to Brighton Vic then to Brisbane - supply preaching at City Tabernacle
mid-1905 to early 1912 Enoggera
mid-1905 to early 1912 Enoggera and also Clayfield and preaching at Redland Bay
Retired 1911-14
Hon. Sec. British and Foreign Bible Society 1905-07
President, General Baptist Assoc., WA 1903-04
Collins, Thomas
1902 ? - 1904 ? Petrie Terrace
Coombs, Henry
b. Newnham, Gloucestershire
d. 12 August 1923 Vic
arrived Victoria at age 8 with mother
Victorian Baptist College 1873-7 (1st student)
Evangelistic work
1876-9 (?) Brighton Vic
Jan 1879- Sept 1885 Wharf Street
1885 Maryborough (interim)
1888 Sandgate
1887-1894 Williamtown, Vic.
1896 Balwyn
1896-1900 Canterbury, Vic.
1899 Wharf St (interim)
1900-03 Richmond
1903-06 Kapunda, SA
1903-09 Tarler, SA ?
1909-14 Mile End, SA
President, Baptist Association of Qld, 1879-80
President, Baptist Union of Victoria, 1892-3
Davies, Thomas Lewis
b. Maindee Newport Wales
Haverfordwest College
Ministry in Wales - Presteigne Radnorshire
Maindee Newport Monmouthshire
arriv. Brisbane 27 June 1877
July 1877-Dec 1879 South Brisbane
arrived NZ Feb 1879
1880 Eyre St Shortland
Deacon, Thomas
b. 1788 Leytonstone, Essex
d. 29 Aug 1860 Ipswich, Qld.
General Baptist ministry
1843-51 Bourne, Lincs. (assistant)
arrived Queensland 1 March 1851
informal services in Ipswich
17 March 1853-1854 United Congregational Church, Ipswich
Baptist services from 23 June 1859
Jan 1860 Ipswich Baptist Church
Deacon, William Thomas
b. ca 1824 (son of Rev. T. Deacon)
d. 27 Nov 1851 Ipswich, Qld.
General Baptist Education Society (General Baptist College) Leicester 1845-6
Spalding (int.) 1846 ?
Arrived Queensland on Fortitude Jan 1849 - secular work
Downing, John
m. Feb 1885 Cecilia Hopkins MBE, b. Islington UK 13 Jan 1858 d. Ivanhoe Vic. 30 Aug 1952
Spurgeon’s College 1877-78
From Fitzroy (George St)
1879-82 Fortescue Street
New Zealand, working with Rev. Thomas Spurgeon
Sept 1883 - Dec 1886 Williamstown Vic
1887-91 Kyneton, Vic (resigned, ill health, took up banking)
1891-93 Nundah supply (with others)
Edwards, G.
Ministry at Portland ca 1901 and St Kilda (ca 1903)
1902 Albion (interim)
1904 Mount Morgan (interim)
Elliott, Howard Leslie
b. Maldon Vic
m. Miss B. Shorey
private study Rev. T. Beeson (who baptised him)
Baptist Association of Qld study course and then Qld Baptist College 1904-05
1898 to July 1901 Deloraine, Tas June
1901 Clayfield , Qld (supply then accepted call from Jan 1902) to 1908
1908-09 Mt Eden, NZ
Secretary, Baptist Association of Qld 1907-8
Eustace, Arthur Edwin
b. 1851 Kingsbury near London
d. 6 Apr 1903 Brisbane
Widow, a city missionary in South Brisbane.
ca 1874-5, evangelistic work with Guildford Congregational church.
1880-2 Country Towns Mission, in charge of an iron church at Tilehurst, near Reading
sailed for Australia, Oct 1882
Evangelisation Society of Vic - for 4 yrs
Sept 87 - Qld Kanaka Mission (est. by Florence Young) at Wangarra Scrub
Medical condition prevented travelling to Malayta, Solomon Islands as missionary in 1896
1897-99 Hendra/Clayfield Baptist Church
ca 1900 - 1901 Mackay Presbyterian Church (supply, and work among Kanaka people)
ca 1902 Tiaro and Baptist Home Mission, Bundaberg
Gerrard, Thomas S.
d. Aug 1883
m. 1869 - Mrs James Kirkwood b. 29 Apr 1829
Tuition by Rev. J. Kingsford, Jireh
May 1869 to Dec 1874 Ipswich
Gillison, Rev James Blyth
b. Scotland
w. Marion (cousin)
d. Warwick 5 Sept 1895
Free Church College, Edinburgh
converted to Baptists and worked in Theological Hall
Kirkintilloch (founding pastor)
Arrived Victoria June 1890
1891? Echuca
- 1894 Kew
April 1895 moved to Warwick, Queensland for health reasons (no pastorate in Qld)
Glassop, Stephen
b. Balmain, NSW 17 Jan 1847 (son of Rev. J.J. Glassop ca 1804-1894)
M. 16 July 1870 Miss Pontifex
Sept 1883 - arrived in Brisbane
Fortesque St (supply between 1884 and 1886)
Toowong (supply)
Sandgate ( supply)
1888-91 Thompson Estate
June 1903-May 1906 Rosalie (Home Missionary)
1916 Wondai HM
1918-19 Taringa
Glover, John
b. Herne Hill London 1841 or Brixton Surrey 1842
d. 3 Jan 1906 Highfields
ex Church of England, then Congregational
Spurgeon's College 1869-71
1871- Coombe-Martin, Devon
arriv. Qld early 1885
1885 Wharf St (supply)
5 May 1886-88 Fortescue Street
July 1887 - Sept 1893 Rockhampton
1894-July 1899 Toowoomba Central - also Highfields 1897+
1899-04 Lanefield (Rosewood -
supply Mt Morgan and Highfields
Invalided 1904-06
Godson, William Thomas
d. ca 1888 ?
1859-62, Ebbw Vale, S. Wales
to Qld 1863
City Tabernacle (supply) March 1863
April 1863 Maryborough – supply while Rev. J.T. Hinton absent but remains in the town; reported in 1882 (aged 81+ years) conducting services in Baptist House of Prayer in John Lane.
Hamilton, Thomas
From Victoria
1865 Maryborough (interim)
Hansen, Jens Peter
From Kankakee Church, Illinois, USA
Baptist Union Theological Seminary Chicago 1887-90
Ord. Scandinavian churches, Illinois USA
arrived Queensland, Oct 1891
Upper Freestone Creek 1891-97 - then remained in district after closure of church as layman and farmer; with son became member of Warwick Baptist Church
Higlett, William
b. 16 Aug 1857 London
m. 18 Apr 1883 Alice Emptage, b. Woolwich Kent 30 Oct 1857, d. 9 May 1908
married Lily Caroline Low 6 Oct 1909, b. 7 Mar 1880; d. 7 June 1843
d. 9 June 1944 Sydney
converted 1875 in Moody and Sankey Mission
worked in YMCA mission halls
Spurgeon's College 1879-82
Student pastor Cheam Surrey
arrived Queensland, July 1882
1882-1890 Toowoomba Central
Oct 1890 - Feb 1910 Albion (as assistant to J. Kingsford of Jireh until formation of Albion church on 9 Nov 1892)
1902 Nundah (hon.)
1910-14 Grafton NSW
1915-29 Haberfield NSW
President, BAQ 1885-86
Secretary, BAQ 1890-02
Secretary, Qld Baptist Home Mission 4 yrs
Secretary, Qld Baptist Foreign Mission 2 yrs
Assistant Editor Qld Baptist 1895-1900 (editor 1900)
Editor, Qld Baptist Jubilee Volume 1905
Secretary BU of NSW 1916-37
Hinton, Josiah Taylor
d. Feb or Mar 1916
son of Rev J.H. Hinton, London
moved to Ipswich from Bathurst St Baptist Church, May 1859
trained by Rev. B.G. Wilson and ordained by him at Maryborough, Oct 1861
April 1860 - Sept 1864 Maryborough
Sept 1864 - July 1865 Rockhampton
Ministry in NSW: Bathurst 1866-69; Orange 69-
Ministry in NZ ca Sept 1875
President Baptist Union of NSW, 1874
Hodgson, F.
1888 Nundah
Hodgson, James
Mar 1890-July 1891 Nundah (supply)
Hogg, J.W.
Mt Morgan May 1905-
Hooker, Ebenezer
b. Longwick, Bucks. 2 Aug 1827
d. ca Aug 1911
baptised Tiverton
m. 15 or 16 Apr 1851 Margaret Jane McCook, b. 26 May 1922 Londonderry; d. 10 Jan 1896; arrived NSW 1840
arrived Australia 19 Mar 1850 with Rev Dr J.D. Lang on Clifton as student for the ministry with 21 others
Parramatta 3 months (helped form church )
Bush mission work in Victoria
Business Geelong - preached for Methodists
Business Ballarat - preached for Methodists until Baptist church formed in his house 1858 - first baptism (Yuille St church 1857
arrived in Queensland May 1863 - preached for Rev. B.G.Wilson; linked with Wharf St from 1880
helped form Edward St church and lay pastor for its 2 yrs of life (1864-66)
1866-1871 South Brisbane Presbyterian Church (supply)
helped form Petrie Terrace Baptist Church (services 1867, formed 1870)
helped form Vulture St South Brisbane Baptist Church; lay preacher from formation 1872-4, and 1879-80
ca 1875 Creek St Presbyterian Church (supply)
1877 St Stephens Presbyterian Church Ipswich (supply)
1878-79 Wharf St (supply)
President, BAQ, 1883-84
I'Erson, T. W.
b. ca 1813
d. July (?)1902
professional musician and artist
arrived Rockhampton 1868-9
1872/3-1882 Rockhampton (hon. to 1877); (co-pastor with W. Davies to 1880)
North Rockhampton - to June 1890
Ingram, John. H.
Ministry at Llanelly, Carmarthenshire Wales and Nantwich, Cheshire
arrived in Queensland, Jan 1865; deacon Ipswich church
Aug 1865 - Oct 1866 Ipswich
1867- Wallsend, Newcastle, NSW
Jensen (or Jansen), Anders Christian (Kristian)
Denmark, lay preacher and pastor
arrived Queensland 1883
Tuition, Rev. J. Kingsford
Ordained 28 June 1884 by Jireh Church
May 1888 - Danish church, Lower Freestone Creek
Until ca 1890 at Upper Swan Creek
Jenyns, Joshua
b. 7 Aug 1835 Waterbeach, near Cambridge
d. ca 8 Dec 1913 at Beaudesert
convert of C.H. Spurgeon
arrived Queensland, 22 Dec 1854
1888+ Beaudesert (founder of church and lay preacher)
Joiner, J.W.
1904 Charters Towers
Kerr, Robert
d. 8 Sept 1930
Presbyterian Divinity Hall 1881-83 (as a candidate for Baptist ministry)
ca 1912 for 7 years Albion and also 1923 - a co-pastor and pastor (?)
1923- also co-pastor with Wingfield later and also pastorate on his own
Ministry also at Toowong and Joyful News Mission (?)
1920-30 Eagle Heights, Mt Tamborine
Kingsford, John
b. Canterbury, England 30 Mar 1818
d. 4 Aug 1905 Brisbane
m. Kitty Banks, Ashford Kent 27 Sept 1842; b. 9 Oct 1805 d. 5 July 1904
m. Clara Grimes 19 Jul 1905, b. ca 1843 d. 31 Dec 1920
Studied under Rev W. Davies, Canterbury for entry to Stepney College (Regents Park) for missionary work, but failed due to health problem
ca 1837-60 Licensed as preacher, Strict Baptist churches, Kent
Egerton, Kent, pastor for 2 years
Arrived Brisbane 28 Mar 1861
Supply, South Brisbane Presbyterian, Wharf Street Baptist
1862 - 1899 Jireh Particular Baptist Church (full time from 1871)
President, BAQ 1880-81
Kingsford, Richard Ash, MLA
b. 2 (or 4) Oct 1821 Canterbury, UK
d. 2 Jan. 1902 Cairns, Qld
m. 1852 Sarah Southerden
m. 31 Aug 1892 Emma Jane Dexter
arrived Brisbane Feb. 1855
1856-57 Wharf Street (hon. lay pastor)
Alderman, South Brisbane; Mayor, Brisbane and Cairns; MLA South Brisbane.
Kingsford R.A. (Jnr)
b. Sept 1853 Bridge, Kent (son of John Kingsford)
d. 24 Feb 1910
m. 29 Feb 1879 Emily Hennessey
Thompson Estate ca 1885+
Kirwood, Ernest Albert
b. Buninyong, Vic. 1868
d. 30 Sept 1954
Converted Harrison and Isaacs mission at age 14 at Aberdeen St
Victorian Baptist College 1891-94
ord. May 1896
Victorian Ministry: Lilydale, Oxley, E. Wangaratta 1895, Maldon 1895-99
Aug 1899-1904 Jireh Particular Baptist Church
1904-15 Grange Rd Baptist Church, Auckland, NZ
1915-17 South Yarra, Vic.
ca 1918-21 Superintendent, Melbourne City Mission
1921-22 Ipswich, Qld
1922-45 Clayfield
Editor Queensland Baptist 1926-40
Leighton, George Henry
Recommended by Rev J. Southey (Anglican, Ipswich) for China Inland Mission - theological training and then worked in Grafton Anglican Diocese
Accredited Baptist Association Sept 1896; cancelled Feb 1899
Mar 1896-Sept 1897 Beaudesert Baptist Church
1898-99 Lanefield (Rosewood)
Leitch, Thomas
b. Scotland, 1849
d. Port Said 16 Sept 1929 buried Toowong 13 Nov 1929
arrived Queensland 1863
lay preacher, Presbyterian and Methodist, Bald Hills area
1875-78 City Missionary, Jireh Baptist Church
1878-1929, Windsor Road (Queensland's longest pastorate)
President BAQ 1891-92
Littleton, J.
Bath and Bournemouth
At July 1886 leader of Gospel Standard Church at Rockhampton
MacPherson, John
b. Glasgow 1839
d. 10 April 1910 at Spring Hill, Q.
ca 1864 set apart as evangelist
ca 1864-68 -Stirlingshire, Dundee, Ireland (Country Down and Derry) and Peru - 3 1/2 yrs
Arrived Queensland ca 1875 - linked with Jireh Particular Baptist Church
July 1875-1881 Toowoomba - Herries St (founder) with Highfields and Gowrie
June 1881 City Missionary Brisbane - at Dunwich and St Helena (later Dunwich and St Helena Mission (non-denom) and later Brisbane City Mission)
1884 Maryborough, Marburg (supply)
Makin, Edwin Robert
b. Hadleigh Suffolk, 1860
d. 18 April 1899
Accepted for Spurgeon's College - could not study due to ill health
arrived Queensland 1890
1890-92 Lanefield (Rosewood)
1894 Sandgate
1894-98 Rockhampton
Inverell Presbyterian (supply)
Malyon, Thomas John (or J.T.) FSSc
b. 10 Nov 1844 Shoreditch Middlesex
d. 23 Apr 1921 Brisbane
m. Rosa Crookes 28 Sept 1865
Regents Park College 1862-65
Sept 1864-65 New Cross Congregational/Union Church
Oct 1866-69 Stepney Chapel King's Lynn
1870-71 Leng Chapel, Stockton on Tees Durham;
1873-76 Borough Rd Sunderland Durham
1876-78 Enon, Barclay Rd Sunderland
1883-89 Vauxhall Strict Baptist
arrived Sydney 3 Mar 1890
1890-91 Harris St Sydney (supply)
1892-94 South Yarra Melbourne
1894-98 Albert St
1898-1902 South Melbourne
7 June 1903-1911 Ipswich, Qld.
1911-16 Petrie Terrace
Founder and Principal, Queensland Baptist College, 1904-21
President, BAQ, 1909-10-11
Masters, Percy J.
b. Calre South Australia
d. 21 Apr 1946
m. 1908, Queensland
From Terowrie SA
Victorian Baptist College 1898 -01
ord. 1901
1895-97 W. Broken Hill
1897-98 Katanning WA
1897 (?) -1901 (?) Lilydale, Vic.
1902-05 Hawthorn
1905-1910 Fort St, Maryborough, Qld
1910-13 Bacchus Marsh, Vic
1913-17 Port Melbourne
1913-? Newport
1917-21 Warracknabeal
MacIntyre, J. Keith (or Keith-MacIntyre)
up to mid-1896 - Wyalong, NSW
1896- July 1898 Rosalie (under W. Whale and also Home Mission)
Moore, William
b. 7 Feb 1826 Berrow, Somerset
baptised 6 Nov 1842, Counterslip Baptist Church, Bristol by Rev T. Winter
d. 23 Sept 1906 Indooroopilly
m. 3 June 1853 Margaret Hitchins, at St Michael, Bristol b. Cresswell, Pembrokeshire, Aug 1825
Arrived Brisbane 1 June 1855 on Truro
Foundation member, deacon and trustee, Wharf St
helped form Edward St
Petrie Terrace, preaching station from 1865
commenced Petrie Terrace 1867 (gave land in Princess St and then at Chapel St) and later recognized as pastor
30 May 1870 - 9 Feb 1886, 1889-91 Petrie Terrace
1889 - 1891 Petrie Terrace
President BAQ 1882-3
Morris, Matthew
d. Oct 1901 aged ca 53 yrs.
Spurgeon's College 1869-71
UK Ministry: Consett 1871-76 Spennymoor 1876-1879 Monkwearmouth 1879-82
South Australia - 1883-85 circuit of Minlaton, Curramulka, Minlacwie
1883-84 Melbourne, Vic
1884-89 Kapunda, S.A.
1889-97Tamworth, NSW
1901 Clayfield/Hendra - died on the night he was elected permanent pastor of this church
Morton, R. (or H.)
1861 Maldon, Vic.
1862 Tarnagulla, Vic
July 1863 - Aug 1865 Ipswich
Ottoway, W. N.
Oxley, Vic.
1901- June 1904 Enoggera
Padley, Charles
Spurgeon's College 1880-81
Arrived Queensland Feb 1882
Feb 1882 Ipswich
Nov 1882 - May 1884 Fortesque St (supply, then call - resigns ill health)
1885 Albion
Page, William
b. Sydney 1864
d. May 1931
Spurgeon's College 1888-90
1890-93 Grafton, NSW
1893-96 Blackheath, NSW
Sept 1896 Enoggera (to Sept 1900) and Taringa (to July 1906)
1912 Congregational, Stanmore NSW
President, BAQ, 1905-06
Parry, D.
Ex-Wesleyan Methodist - probationer ? -
temperance and general lecturer - engaged in mission work ,
May 1901 - Oct 1902 Nundah
1902-03 Berea church, Nundah (breakaway from Nundah Baptist Church)
In Victoria in 1907
Pearce, Robert
Converted by reading Spurgeon's works
Wesleyan ministry
1873+ Wharf St (agent, trained by B.G. Wilson)
July 1874- April 1875 Sandgate
Petie, W.
1888 Lanefield (Rosewood)
Poole, William
b. Bristol ca 1830
d. 17 March 1913-82
m. Miss Mary Coles 1892; d. Nov 1900
Bristol College
arrived Victoria 1853 - a proprietor Melbourne Evening Herald; sub-editor Age (with Symes) for 7 years
1859-60 Caulfield Union Church
1863- Elsternwick
1875-1880 Emerald Hill (Sth. Melbourne)
arrived Queensland 1880
June 1880 - 1910 South Brisbane
President BAQ 1881-2, 1889-90, 1906-7
Treasurer BAQ 1893-97
Editor Qld Freeman/Baptist 1885-99
President Baptist Association of Victoria 1878-79
Secretary, BAV 1862-63 (joint) 1863-69 (sole)
Price, J.H. (or T.H.) (or Pryce)
Newcastle, NSW
July 1888, Townsville
Rapkins, J.S
BAQ reading course
1897-99 Lakes Creek
1899 - Jan 1901 Mount Morgan
1901-3 Townsville
Rice, George Millar
b. 27 Jan 1863, Plymouth
d. 17 Nov 1949
Bristol College 1884 - training for missionary work in Central Africa
Won Senior Robert Hall Scholarship in University studies
1888 Woodchester, Stroud Glouc.
1890-98 Lineholme, Todmorden York.
1898-1904 Gildersome
Arrived Qld 1904
Oct 1904-Dec 1908 City Tabernacle, Brisbane
English Ministry:
1909-15 Union Church High Wycombe
1915-20 Chaplain
1920-24 British & Foreign Sailors Service
1924-26 St Mary's Gate, Derby
1926-27 Beckington
1932-3 Brasted
retirement Worthing
President Free Church Council
Richer, William
b. 1848 Colchester
d. 28 Nov 1924
Converted 1869 by Mrs William Booth at Croydon
arrived Brisbane 1869
trained by J Kingsford and lay preaching with Jireh Baptist Church at Windsor Rd, Petrie Bight
Began services at Toowong 1875
1881-94, 1896 or 98-1911 Toowong
Chaplaincy, Brisbane City Mission, Dunwich and St Helena Mission and other hospitals etc
President BAQ 1888-9, 07-8
Secretary BAQ 1903-06
Roberts, R. Henry
b. ca 1857 Monmouth, son of minister of Blaina Baptist Church
d. Nov. 1916
Pontypool College
1880-85 Boundary Rd Middlesbrough (known to Rev W. Whale from this pastorate; also links with Spurgeon in call to Petrie Terrace)
arrived Qld 1886
supply preaching at Vulture St, South Brisbane
1886-1889 Petrie Terrace (retired - ill health)
ca 1889 Sandgate
Presbyterian ministry: 1892 Bowen (supply); 1893-09 Enoggera Terrace; Moderator, Presbyterian Church of Queensland 1905
Roberts, William Swain
b. 1831
d Maryborough 8/11/1880
Member, Belvoir Street Church, Leicester from 3 Dec 1856 (transferred from unnamed church)
1860-1861 Ipswich (co-pastor with Rev. T. Deacon and then sole pastor after Aug 1860)
left Ipswich Aug 1862 and entered newspaper industry (purchased Maryborough Chronicle 2/4/1863)
Robertson, Joshua, ED MA Dip Soc Sc, FRGS, JP
b. 11 May 1880 Geelong, son of Robert Robertson, (Evangelistic Soc. of Vic.) who arrived in Victoria with his parents from the Shetlands in 1871/2
d. 29 Dec 1971
m. 10 Sept 1907 Josephine Hogan at Sandgate (d. 1939)
m 2 - Jessie Collins ex Brunswick
Qld Baptist College 1904-05
1901 Beaudesert (assistant to Rev. T.U. Symonds)
1902-04 Sandgate
Evangelistic Society of Victoria ?
1908-09 Clayfield
1909-12 South Melbourne
1912-14 Footscray Gordon Street (co-pastor to Rev. J.H. Goble)
1914-17 Brunswick
Army Chaplain, World War I, and again as Snr Chaplain in World War II to 1942
1919-26 Canterbury
1916-29 (?) Oxford Terrace, Christchurch, NZ
ca 1930-45 Petersham NSW
1957-59 Brighton, Vic. (interim)
Robertson, Robert
Qld Baptist College 1904-05
Member Perth Baptist Church and Lay Preachers’ Assoc., preaching South Perth and Bayswater 1898
1899- Oxley Vic
May 1910-1914 Gympie, Qld
1915-18 Elsternwick, Vic.
1920-28 Sale, Vic
1929-36 Kyneton, Vic
1934-35 Merlynston, Vic
Robey, T. W.
1880-81 Toowoomba
Rose, Charles Samuel
b. 8 Mar 1873 Truro
d. 5 June 1945
Harley College 1892-4 (?)
Spurgeon's College 1896-97
1898-99 Coggleshall
1900-01 Charters Towers (resigned wife’s health)
1901-04 Burton Street Tabernacle, NSW
1904-08 Garland St, Bury St Edmonds, UK
1908-20 Caravan Missioner Baptist Union of Great Britain
1915-20 Military Chaplain
1921 Organizer, Baptist Union Continental Department
1925-27 Lower Meeting, Amersham
1928-39 Secretary, Power Mission
Scarfe, James George
BAQ study course and then Qld Baptist College, 1904-5
Lakes Creek 1905
Shaw, Alfred Duncan
b. 1868 Flat Bush, near Auckland NZ
d. 3 Nov 1953 Edith Vale Vic
m. 1889 Carolina Voigt
arriv. Brisbane May 1887
trained by Rev. W. Whale
lay preaching Wharf St outstations and Bulimba, Enoggera, Nundah, Rosalie
1893-1901 Nundah (worker pastor at first and then full time for 7 years)
1901- July 1916 Rockhampton
1916-22, 1935-46 Aberdeen St Geelong
1922-31 Auburn Vic
1931-35 Upwey Union church
1948 Sale
1951, 1952 Fairfield Qld
Retirement ministries: North Rockhampton, Greenslopes
President, Baptist Union of Vic 1929-30
Slade, George
b 1825 Hanslope Bucks
d 13 Apr 1890
Bristol Baptist College 1848-
ord. 1845 Roade Baptist Church Northants
Cornwall 6 yrs
1858 Geelong Aberdeen St
1859-77 Geelong, Fenwick St
1877-81 Kerang and Gannawarra
May 1881-1885 Rockhampton, Qld
President, BU of Victoria 1871-72
Smith, Charles
Parramatta NSW 1855
July 1855- Nov 1856 Wharf Street (founding minister)
King St Congregational, Sydney ?
Sneyd, John Braidwood
b. ca 1842 NSW, most likely Braidwood (father, governor of Brisbane Gaol)
d. 13 Aug 1908 NZ
m. Alice Mary Tomlin of Petrie Terrace in Brisbane 20th Dec 1864 (probably born Marylebone, London In 2nd quarter, 1844)
trained by BG Wilson
preaching Moggill; commended by Wharf St 3 May 1867 for outstations - Beenleigh, Pimpama, Coomera (4 1/2 yrs)
South Australian ministry:
1876-81 Clover Hill
1876-81 Georgetown
1881-84 Terowie
1884-86 Southwark
1884-87 George St & Grange ?
Victorian ministry
1887-94 Goulbourn Valley
1887-91 Shepparton
Queensland ministry:
1894-1901 Sandgate Qld
NZ ministry: Mt Eden Auckland
President, BAQ 1895-6, 1896-7
Stephens, James (or John) Blacket
Apr 1905 - June 1908 Beaudesert
(retired from ministry and settled locally)
Stewart, Charles
b. ca 1820 Edinburgh
d. 2 Mar 1858 Bermuda
Glasgow University, 1840-43
Horton Academy, 1843-46
1846-47 Zion Chapel, Newhall St Birmingham
1847 Toll End, Tipton
arriv. Brisbane as chaplain on Fortitude Jan 1849
1849-54 United Evangelical Church
First Baptist minister in Queensland
Straughen, John
b. 1840, England
d. Jan 1918 Sydney
ministry in North Wales and London
arrived Qld April 1870
trained by Rev. J. Kingsford, Jireh and appointed in 1873 City Missionary, Brisbane
1874-5 Windsor Road (founder)
Jul 1875 - Jan 1881 Ipswich (wife dies during this time)
leaves Ipswich for visit to UK end Jan 1881
Feb 1882-Feb 1897 Parramatta, NSW
1897-1911 Marrickville
President, Baptist Union of NSW 1889-90
Symonds, Thomas Uren
b. Cornwall
m. Miss Barnes
d. 12/7/37 Monday
baptised Helstone Church, aged 17
student with Devon and Cornwall Baptist Assoc and local preacher
arrived Qld 1885
studied under Rev. J. Kingsford (85-88) & Rev. W. Whale; reading course BAQ
formally received as minister by W. Richer as President - served Nanango, Lanefield, Marburg, Beaudesert and Petrie Terrace
1888-90 Nundah (supply)
1890-92 Coolabunia
May 1892 - July 1897 Lanefield (Rosewood)
Mar 1898? - Jan 1905 Beaudesert
Jan 1905-10 Petrie Terrace
Organising Secretary/Superintendent, Qld Baptist Home Mission 1883-1924 (full time from 1910)
President, BAQ, 924-25
Taylor, William
b. Crowland Lincs.
converted among Wesleyans at Ramsay, Huntingdonshire
baptised by Rev. P.J. Cornford (later of NZ and Bathurst ST)
General Baptist College, Nottingham (under A.C. Underwood)
Castle Donington Church, Leicestershire, 1860
Stoke on Trent (2 years)
Leeds - to 1877 then to Aust.
Harris St NSW 13+ years (ca 77-90?)
1891 Balmain
visited Brisbane to see son - July 1899
Bundaberg, interim
Jan 1900 - Dec 1901 Petrie Terrace
President, Baptist Union of NSW 1880-1881
Tucker, Edwin C.
British ministry: South Molton, Devon; Scotland; Foulsham Norfolk (1879-81); Great Yarmouth (1881-83)
Jan-Nov 1884 - Hobart, organiser Blue Ribbon Gospel Temperance Mission, and minister of Harrington St Baptist Chapel
1885-86 Rockhampton
Vigis, Thomas
b. 1862 Plumstead, Kent
m. 18 Feb 1892 Lily Ann Jacobs of Rosewood, Q.
d. 31 July 1936
Baptist mission Hampton-Wick (Kingston Baptist Church)
Evangelist with Dr Barnado and Rev. C.H Spurgeon
arrived Qld Feb 1886
Oct 87 - 1888 Lanefield (Rosewood)
Feb 1889 - 1899 Charters Towers
1898? - 1901 Rockhampton
Feb 1901-Jan 1902 Burnie Tas
Geelong Fenwick St Vic 3 yrs
1904-11 Laura-Georgetown, Clover Hill
1911-17 Gawler, Lyndoch
1917-27 Mile End - with Lockleys (22-27), Southwark (25-27)
1925-29 Hilton ?
1927-33 Broken Hill Chapple Street South and Railway Town
1928-36 West End Mission
1932-34 South Plympton
1934-35 Southwark
President Baptist Union of SA 1926
Voller, James
b. London 1 Jun 1813
d. Taringa 26 Sept 1901
Horton Academy 1839-42
1842-45 Salford Lancs.
1845-48 Bishop Burton Yorks.
1848-53 Princes End Tipton Staffs.
arriv. Sydney Dec 1854
1854-70 Bathurst St Sydney
1870-76 Enoggera and Samford
1876 - 1886 Sandgate
1889-97 Taringa Baptist Mission
Inaugural President, BAQ 1877-78, 78-79
Secretary, BU of NSW 1887-88
Walton, John E.
b. Clay Cross, Derbyshire
d. Homebush NSW
Spurgeon's College 1880-82
1882-86 Edward Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham (ass. pastor 1882; sole pastor 1883)
arrived Tasmania Jan 1888 (recommended by Spurgeon)
Latrobe and Perth Tas. Jan 1888 - Sept 1897
1898 Longford
1898-1900 Devonport
returned to UK May 1900
Aug 1901-05 Latrobe and Sassafras Tas.
Mar 1905 -1909 Jireh Particular Baptist Church, Brisbane
Devonport Tas.
Harris St - 3 yrs - health failed
President, Baptist Union of Tasmania 1892, 1897, 1900
Secretary, Baptist Union of Tasmania, 1889, 1899
President, BAQ 1909-10
Warren, C. H. J.
m. 1899
offered for missionary service but due to lack of financial support entered home ministry
Student with BAQ study course and then Qld Baptist College
1900-04 Charters Towers
Aug 1904-6 Sandgate
Jan 1907 - May 1908 Nundah
May-Dec 1908 Sheffield Tasmania
1908-09 Ulverstone & Penguin Tasmania
1909-10 Daylesford Vic
1901? Bobinawarrah Vic
1911? - 1912 Barrenport Vic
1914? Oxley Vic
Nov 1914-1919 Wagin WA
1919-20 Woodnilling-Carmeticup WA
1920-22 Mt Gambier SA
1922-24 Glen Osmond SA
Edwardstown SA 32-36 (acting)
Welch, Edward J.
Spurgeon's College 1879-81
Sarratt, Herts. (up to 1886)
1886 Secretary, YMCA Brisbane; local preacher, Wharf Street
Nov 1886 - 1888 ? Sandgate
1890-91 Bendigo (supply)
also Sandhurst?
Weller, Alfred George OBE, ED
b. Ramsgate Kent 1861
d. 21 Feb 1939
early links with Congregational Church
attended Metro Tab - worked in Ragged Schools and evangelistic areas
Spurgeon's College - Christian workers training classes by evening
arrived Qld 1887
studied with Rev. W Whale and assisting in city mission and pastoral work
1st General Secretary of Christian Endeavour
Evangelistic work - B AQ
Sept 1888-1889? Gympie
Mar 1889-Aug 1894 Hendra (Clayfield)
Evangelistic work
1896 Toowong
Rockhampton Lakes Creek mission
Aug 1897 - Jan 1899 Townsville
Charters Towers
Feb 1900 - 1913 Toowoomba Central/Highfields
Feb 1914 - 1930 Nundah (and military Chaplain)
1930-32 Albion (interim)
President BAQ 1904-5, 1928-29
Military chaplain in World War I - Snr Chaplain ca 1918-30+
Whale, William
b. 10 Sept 1842 Redditch, Worcs
d. 4 Sept 1903 Brisbane
attended Zion Chapel Newhall St Birmingham, 1852+ ?
Spurgeon's College 1866-68
1868-70 Bury St Mary (near Sudbury)
1870-77 Stoke Green Ipswich
1870-85 Newport, Middlesbrough Yorks.
arrived Queensland 1885
1885-1903 Wharf Street
President BAQ 1887-88, 1893-4, 1894-5
Secretary BAQ 1889
began first CE Society in Australia Feb 1888
White, William
b. 26 Feb 1829 Hallingbury Essex
d. 16 Apr 1913
Trained at a Church of England college in London
District visitor London City Mission 22 yrs
arrived Launceston 1877
Temperance work - based at York St
1884-5 Maryborough (interim)
Williamson, Robert
b Scotland 1848
d 30 Aug 1916
Spurgeon's College 1873?
1873 pastor of Paradise Row Chapel, Waltham Abbey Essex
Move to NSW for health reasons, arrived Sept 77
1878-80 Parramatta NSW
1880-84 Perth, Tas.
1884-86 Kyneton, Vic
1886-91 South Yarra, Vic
1892 Perth, Tas
1893 St Kilda Crimea Sq ?
1897-98 Murrumbeena
1898 E. Brighton/Bentleigh ?
1900 Townsville - supply
1901-02 ??? Hamilton Vic
1904-08 Sheffield Tas
1908-16 Brighton, Vic
Wilson, Robert R.
1861-70 Gayndah
Wood Robert T.
formerly United Free Methodist
Bowen 1870 ("United Free Church")
Woolley T.
b. 1827 Nottinghamshire
d. 6 July 1910
arrived Queensland 1848
Rosewood lay pastor - 1st four years 1881-5 ?
Wilson, Benjamin Gilmore
b. 16 Mar 1823 Moy, Country Tyrone, Ireland
d. 11 Feb 1878 Brisbane
m. Sept 1854 (b., 2 June 1831 Anglican - baptised in Brisbane; d. 2 May 1907)
arrived England ca 1842 - Newcastle on Tyne
personal study and travel
town missionary Bradford
1853 Barnsley
medical assistant Dr J. LeGay Brereton, Bradford
arrived Qld 12 Sept 1858
Sept 1858 - Jan 1878 Wharf Street
Young, William Vicars
b 22 Sept 1840 Newtown Longville Bucks
d. 19 July 1900 Ipswich
m. at age 23 (wife caught fever from nursing patient on voyage and so had to be confined in asylum for rest of life - still alive in 1900)
Spurgeon's College 1867-70
1863-67 (lay pastor) Swanbourne
Maidstone Kent (7 or 8 years) ?
New Mill Church Tring Herts. 5 yrs to 1883?
arrived Queensland Dec 1883
Jan 1884 - July 1891 Ipswich
July 1891 - Woolharra NSW
returned to Ipswich in retirement
President, BAQ 1890-91
Ministers of German Baptist Churches (German Baptist Conference)
Bernoth, Michael
arrived in Australia 1880s
Marburg ca 1888
linked with both Baptists and Churches of Christ at various times as a lay preacher; later (from around 1890) became Seventh Day Adventist and involved in (non-orthodox) medical work; also engaged as a Methodist in immigration work in Central Queensland, and a landholder.
Blum, Samuel
b. Esdorf, Hungary 27 August 1874
d. 21 March 1951 Ohio, USA
German Department, Rochester Theological Seminary, NY, 1894-1900
ord. Boston MA, 5 June 1900
Australia: 1900-01 Blenheim (Laidley); 1901-3 Minden; 1901-2 Tent Hill (also Lowood, Marburg)
Resigned - ill health; departed for USA 15 Aug 1903
Post-graduate studies at Rochester Seminary, 1905-06;
Rock Hill Baptist Church Jamaica Plan, German Baptist Boston MA 1903-07; Temple Baptist Church 1st German Baptist Church Pittsburgh Pa 1907-09; First Baptist Church of Lorraine Kansas 1909-17; Forest Park Baptist Church Oak Park, Ill. 1917-19; First Baptist Church Wasco Calif. 1919-24; Emery South Dakota, 1924-27; Erwin Ave Baptist Church, Cleveland Ohio 1927 - 34 (or 39)
Editor Der Sendbote (organ of German Baptists) 1934-46; retired 1946
Secretary, Mission Board 25 yrs +
Dickfos, Carl
Mt Walker 1888-97
Ehmke, G.
Marburg ca 1909+
Faulkenhaugen, Heinrich
Ordained at Ipswich minutes Good Friday 1871 by Rev. T. Gerrard for German Baptist churches
Heinrich, Johhannes.
b. Berlin 6 Sept 1875
d. 5 May 1936 Lowood
German Department Rochester Theological Seminary 1900-06
ord. Delmont South Dakota 17 June 1906 and minister 1906-08
arrived Queensland Dec 1908
Blenheim (Laidley) 1908-1931; Tent Hill 1908-1931; Minden 1911-1917; Kalbar 1933-1935
Krueger, Carl
b. Seehausen, Prussia 1850
d. 31 Aug 1927
m 1872 Mrs Krueger b 1854 Hohenwalde, Brandenberg; d. 28 Jan 1900
arrived Queensland 1865
preaching with outstations of Bremer Church Franklin Vale
Kalbar 1877; assistant to W. Peters at Kalbar 1878-1886; Kalbar 1886-1918
Kruger, Otto Edward, DD
b. Kankakee, Illinois USA 27 Sept 1875
d. Rochester 16 Nov 1955
German Department Rochester Seminary and Rochester Seminary (English) 1895-1900
Rochester Seminary, post-graduate 1909-10
Western Theological Seminary 1929-30 (post-graduate)
D.D. (NABS) 1954
ord. Madison South Dakota 7 June 1900
evangelist Texas 1900-01
Australia: Blenheim (Laidley) 1901-1908; Tent Hill 1902-1908; Minden 1903-1906
Second German Baptist Church Rochester NY 1909-10; Burlington Iowa 1910-25; Second Baptist Church Cleveland Ohio 1925-29; Temple Baptist Church Pittsburgh Pa 1929-35;
Teacher in Christian Doctrine and Homiletics Rochester Seminary 1935-46; Librarian 1947; retired 1947
Interim Andrews St Baptist Church Rochester NY 1946-52; interim ministries in 1950s
Served on Publications Board, President General Missionary Society for German Baptists, Assoc. Editor The Baptist Herald 1922-28
“One Hundred Years of German Baptist History in America” (The Chronicle July 1939)
"Once Again - Who are the Baptists?" Baptist Herald Jan-Apr 1952
In God’s Hand:The Story of the North American Baptist General Conference (1958)
Lassig Ferdinand
d. 1892
1874 Maryborough, German Baptists
Litzow, Wilhelm
Fernvale/Tarampa, lay preacher for more than 20 year from ca 1870
Meissener, A.
Marburg (Bethel Church) 1897-1901 ?
Mutzelburg, Carl
Laidley/Blenheim - preacher from 1884 and leader 1895-1900 - to USA 21/6/1903
Nitz, Gottfried
d. 1894 ?
Tarampa 1885-86
Minden 1887 ?
Marburg 1890
also a Church of Christ evangelist at Marburg and a farmer in area
Orthner, Franz
b. Sereth, Buckowina, Austria 15 Jan 1881
m. Martha Truloff (Minden) d 19 July 1909
German Department Rochester Seminary 1900-05
ord. Blue Mount Texas 17 July 1905
Seguin and Elm Creek Texas 1905-06
Australia: Minden and Lowood 1906-11; Minden 1906-1910
Salt Creek Baptist Church, Dallas Oregon 1911-17; Leduc Alberta Canada 1917-20; Ebenezer Saskatchewan Canada 1920-22; Harlem NY 1922-37; Pastor at large 1937-39; Hoboken NJ 1938-43; Willow Ave Baptist Church Hoboken NY -1946; interims NY area 1944-59; 1948-55 Librarian Union Theological Seminary; retired 1955
Peters, W.
b. Hanover ?
Kalbar (Engelsberg) 1878-1886
Schmidt, August
1896 Minden ?
also at Coleyville (Mt Walker)
Schneider, Johann George
b. 1811 possibly Ellofer Weinsburg Wurttemburg or Eberstadt
d. 4 Apr 1878
(lay) pastor in Germany
arrived Qld 1865 or 1866
pastor Black Gully/Mt Walker ca1865-78
Stibbe, John
Kalbar - 1875-77
Windolf, Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann
b. Gruneplan, Duchy of Brunswick, Germany 8 May, 1846 (or Einbeck 30 Apr 1846)
d. 22 Feb 1922
studied Hamburg to 1865
Germany: Herford, Westphalia 1868-70 (or 1867-72); Brunswick 9 years (or 5)
arrived Brisbane 20 Feb 1878
Kalbar (Fassifern Scrub and Mt Walker) 1878 and 1883+
Rosewood Scrub/Marburg 1879-82
Marburg 1905-09
Author and editor of numerous devotional, poetic and sermonic works and hymns.