Rockhampton Baptist Heritage Sites
Since Baptist work began in Rockhamptonin1862, many different sites have been used for worship services and other activities. This folder lists the most important of these around the city area, with their positions and brief notes about their role and important dates. It also includes references to several locations in the nearby areas.
Use your GPS and a local map to visit them.
More detail sin Something more than Gold, published by Baptist Heritage Queensland (2012).
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- 650 Norman Road, North Rockhampton: site of Rockhampton Tabernacle since 2001. Previously Peace International Christian Church; originally opened 1994
- Quay Street, near Fitzroy Bridge: Rev BG Wilson preached first sermons from deck of boat here in Feb 1862; nearby, original location of Buzacott’s newspaper business
- Victoria Park, up stream of Alexandra Rail Bridge: site of first baptism 29 June 1862 (probably near “the palm tree”)
- Denison Street, between Denham & William Streets: site of original church building 1864-1906, and of Tabernacle, 1906-1917 (probably near the palm tree at Capricorn Screens)
- Corner Fitzroy & Campbell Streets: site of Tabernacle,1917-2001 (Tabernacle building facing Campbell St; new porch 1962; now demolished; church, facing Fitzroy St 1977 (now a child care centre)
- 158 Denison Street - currently Musical Union Choir Hall: site of ‘Assembly’ Baptist Church 1936-1940 (originally a Seventh-day Adventist Church) -a church formed by a division in Tabernacle existing from 1933-1940
- Corner Denham St & Alma Lane: Oddfellows Hall (old) (now MU Centre) often hired by Baptist church for functions; used regularly for Sunday School ca 1920s
- Alma Street - near corner with Denham St: close to car yard almost opposite Wintergarden: Palais Royal (New Oddfellows Hall) used as first meeting place of Assembly Church
- 4 Skyring St Wandal:Wahroonga Children’s Home and later counselling centre 1974-2006
- 114 Fitzroy St - Wahroonga Counselling Service, 2006 –
- 10 Wood St corner of Bolsover St: Wood Street mission: Sunday School from 1916 in East Street; mission building opened 1932; sold 1980
- Jellicoe St, Port Curtis Road church building erected 1912; sold 2011
- 338 Denham Street Extension West Rockhampton: near corner of Eton St: original site West Rockhampton Baptist Church, 1905-1952
- 49 Eton St West Rockhampton - second site of West Rockhampton Baptist Church, 1952-1989
- Lakes Creek Road, Lakes Creek: Meatworks: Dining Mission Hall and School of Arts (exact sites unknown): first meeting places of Lakes Creek Baptist Church & Sunday School 1885+
- Paterson St, Lakes Creek (opposite school): Lakes Creek Baptist Church: erected1914; hall 1948; now Wesleyan Methodist Church
- Cnr Montgomerie & Totteridge Sts Nerimbera: (eastern corner): Site of Nerimbera Baptist Mission Hall; opened 1911
- Lakes Creek Rd, near Edward St, North Rockhampton: approx site of first Baptist Church building in North Rockhampton erected 1878, used until about 1891
- Musgrave St, (southern) corner of Lucas St, North Rockhampton: site of mission service at North Rockhampton from 1903 to 1905/6
- Park Avenue, Main St corner of Haynes St: Park Avenue church; original building 1904; Sunday School Hall 1956; former Bethesda chapel relocated 1965; merged with Peace 1975
- Elphinstone St, corner Ascot Lane (now car park): site of Bethesda chapel, 1961 moved to Park Avenue 1965
- Clifton Street, (s-w) corner Ford St: Clifton Street Baptist Church erected 1914; last use 1939; most of congregation left to form High Street in 1933
- 213 Musgrave St North Rockhampton (near David Motel): site of house where group which left Clifton St church firstmet in 1934 (later known as High St Baptist Church)
- 101 High Street North Rockhampton: High Street Baptist Church; two storey building at back erected 1936, later raised and expanded; Peace church on corner erected 1973 (merged with Lakes Creek 1968 to form Peace Memorial Baptist Church; Park Avenue and Mt Morgan joined 1975) Later Peace International Christian Church
- Shalom Village, 121 Maloney Street, North Rockhampton: Baptist Aged care facility, first stage opened1985;much expansion later
- Farm Street, North side between Withers & Alexandra Sts: Glenmore Church (on right) and Hall; erected by Rev CE Luton, 1940 Sites in Surrounding Districts
- Bajool, South Ulam Rd: United Protestant Church, erected 1910
- Gracemere, Lawrie St: United Protestant Church, original building 1871 (re-built 1918; now Scout Hall cnr James and Platen Sts); new building 1983; Baptist Church meets in Community Hall, Barry St;
- Bouldercombe: Nugget Ave. Site of initial Crocodile Creek gold rush; church erected nearby 1866 - disappeared by 1869
- Emu Park; corner Pattison & Phillip St: site of former Baptist Camp, now tourist accommodation
- Yeppoon: Open Gate meetings in Basketball Centre, Cordingley St.
- Lammermoor; 56 Old Scenic Highway: On Track Youth Residential Care
- Bondoola - 145 Whites Road: alternative camp site (1984-89)