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About BHQ
Baptist Heritage Queensland (The Baptist Historical Society of Queensland) was established in 1984 to promote interest in the rich heritage of Baptists in Queensland, Australia. Since that time it has conducted many public meetings and seminars featuring families, people, organisations, buildings and movements which have contributed to Baptist work in this state. It has assisted people and churches with information and material about their stories. For a 30 year history of the Society, click here.
The Society aims to encourage churches and their members to preserve their heritage through the care of records and memorabilia at local church and at denominational levels. Several guide sheets offering help on the process of archival work, church record management and publication are available for free distribution, now including digital archiving. Personal advice and help through seminars and consultation with churches and other organisations are also part of the function of the Society. The Society also assists with the activities of the Baptist Church Archives, Queensland.
The Society also produces a newsletter, the Queensland Baptist Forum, which carries articles, news reports and notices about developments in Queensland and elsewhere.
One of the major achievements of the Society is its publication programme. More than twenty titles are now available covering a diverse range of topics, some of them in digital form. The most popular, Baptists in Queensland, has been widely used as a study guide for churches and home groups. Pressing on the with Gospel is the full history of Baptists in Queensland covering the period 1855-2005, while Women who made a Difference celebrates the contributions of women to the work. In 2012 a history covering 150 years of witness in Central Queensland was launched. A third edition of our popular guide, Baptists in Queensland was issued in 2013.
We have an extensive digitisation program, and have shared with other state bodies to have The Australian Baptist 1913-1991 fully digitised!
For links to pages with full details of these and other publications, see Publications menu, left.
- Research and Publication Projects
- Festival of Baptist Heritage (as arranged)
- Meetings for sharing interests and organizing activities
- Support of Baptist Church Archives, Queensland
- Research and publication of historical interests through journal and books
- Assisting churches and individuals in historical research, promotion and publishing
- and more . . . according to members’ interests, resources and facilities.
President: Mr Eric W. Kopittke
98 Yallambee Rd., Jindalee Qld 4074
Phone (+61) 07-3376 4339 kopittke@tpg.com.au
Acting Secretary: Mrs Noelene Kidd
C/- archives@qb.org.au
Treasurer: Miss Hope Colegrove
C/- archives@qb.org.au